(Alliance News) - Consob has requested further clarification from Poste Italiane Spa regarding the way its financial products are distributed in post offices, Milano Finanza explained Wednesday.

The regulator's attention, already highlighted in 2023, now focuses on specific aspects such as the service model, customer profiling, concentration control, and reports of commercial pressures. The request, sent on July 29, was answered by the group led by Matteo Del Fante on Sept. 30.

Areas for in-depth study also include transparency on ex-post costs and charges and how off-site personnel are identified.

Poste Italiane, a leader in financial and insurance services in Italy, is implementing a new business plan that focuses on a relational model, with 1,400 points dedicated to Home and Family, where customers can access a wide range of products, including insurance policies, loans, mortgages, mutual funds and, more recently, electricity and gas utilities.

It is a model that Consob seems to want to monitor closely, as indicated by recent requests sent to Poste Italiane.

By Antonio Di Giorgio, Alliance News reporter

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