(Alliance News) - Poste Italiane Spa has launched a reorganization that will lead to more than 7,500 new hires and stabilizations over the two-year period 2025-2026, in line with the Strategic Plan 2024-2028.

As Il Sole 24 Ore explained Friday, the agreement, signed by the Slp Cisl, Confsal Comunicazioni, Failp Cisal and Fnc Ugl unions, represents 80 percent of workers. It provides for 9,400 total actions, including 7,200 actions in the logistics network and 2,200 in the commercial network, such as contract transformations from part-time to full-time and hiring from the external market.

The postal network will average 32,000 employees over the three-year period 2024-2026, ensuring stability and business continuity. In addition, a 5-day schedule will be piloted in some major cities, Monday through Friday.

The agreement has been divisive: Cgil and Uil did not sign, criticizing its exclusion from the decision-making process. However, for the signatories it represents a basis for the future of work at Poste Italiane, with a focus on stability and growth of opportunities for employees.

By Antonio Di Giorgio, Alliance News reporter

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