Power Finance Corporation Limited had appointed Shri Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Smt. Usha Sajeev Nair and Shri Prasanna Tantri as a Non-Official Independent Director on the Board of Power Finance Corporation Limited w.e.f. 23rd December, 2021 pursuant to Ministry of Power, Government of India Order(s) No.8/1/2012- PFC Desk (Vol.-11) dated 15th November, 2021, for a period of three years. Accordingly, on completion of their tenure on December 22, 2024, Shri Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Smt.

Usha Sajeev Nair and Shri Prasanna Tantri have ceased to be Directors on the Board of Power Finance Corporation Limited w.e.f. December 23, 2024.