Uniper SE (XTRA:UN01) is the majority owner of the Russian company PAO Unipro with 83.73%. The company is listed on the Moscow Stock Exchange and operates independently within the framework of Russian legislation. At the end of 2021, Uniper started a divestment process of Unipro.

Due to the current situation, this process has been halted for the time being and will be restarted as soon as it is feasible. Unipro's activities are ongoing including the power plant modernization program. However, Uniper will not make any new investments in Russia and will not transfer any funds to Unipro until further notice.

It is currently impossible to predict how potential Russian sanctions could affect Unipro's business and financial situation. Unipro's most important goal at the moment is the secure operation of its plants and the fulfilment of its delivery obligations to its customers.