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Relation chart of related listed companies: QuantumScape Corporation

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: QuantumScape Corporation

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: QuantumScape Corporation

QuantumScape Battery, Inc.

Electrical Products

Redwood Materials, Inc.

Electrical Products

Picarro, Inc.

Packaged Software

Deep Valley Labs LLC

Investment Managers

Global Semiconductor Alliance

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Packaged Software3
Electrical Products2
Motor Vehicles2
Electronic Equipment/Instruments2
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Investment Managers1
Trucks/Construction/Farm Machinery1
Regional Banks1
Internet Software/Services1

Countries of related companies

United States21
Logo QuantumScape Corporation
QuantumScape Corporation is developing solid-state lithium-metal battery technology for electric vehicles (EVs) and other applications. The Company's solid-state lithium-metal battery technology is designed to offer greater energy density, faster charging and enhanced safety. Its battery cells have none of the host materials used in conventional anodes. The Company's cells are anode-free in that they are manufactured without anodes in a discharged state. It has demonstrated a solid-state separator for lithium-metal batteries capable of resisting dendrite formation at higher power densities, such as those required for automotive applications and fast charging, for at least 800 cycles at around 25 degrees Celsius. Its solid-state electrolyte-separator is a dense, entirely inorganic ceramic. The Company's solid-state battery technology has applicability in other markets, including stationary storage and consumer electronics, such as smartphones and wearables, among others.
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