Ramco Industries Limited informed that an accident of release of Steam in Autoclave occurred in Factory situated at Winterpet, Arakkonam, at around 9.45 pm on, 17th September, 2021. In the accident, four workmen were injured and were admitted to the hospital immediately. Two workmen have since passed away on the 21s and 22nd September respectively, and the other two workmen are recovering. Though production in factory has been temporary disrupted till date due to the incident, the company is taking adequate steps to ensure refunctioning of the pafticular autoclave in two weeks'time. As there are three other autoclaves the Company can resume operations and ensure that operations at other departments/locations are not disrupted. The company lays emphasis in compliance of prescribed safety measures at all times. Further it is clarified that the company has adequate insurance coverage and have informed the Insurance Company about the incident.