Share class: Reckitt Benckiser Group plc

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1722,802,872684,841,194 ( 94.75 %) 37,694,086 ( 5.215 %) 94.75 %

Major shareholders: Reckitt Benckiser Group plc

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Ltd.
5.241 %
35,985,971 5.241 % 2 178 M p
Massachusetts Financial Services Co.
5.199 %
35,700,368 5.199 % 2 161 M p
3.92 %
26,913,000 3.92 % 1 629 M p
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
3.443 %
23,641,000 3.443 % 1 431 M p
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
2.8 %
19,222,338 2.8 % 1 163 M p
BlackRock Fund Advisors
2.73 %
18,747,000 2.73 % 1 135 M p
Norges Bank Investment Management
2.125 %
14,591,000 2.125 % 883 M p
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
1.577 %
10,831,000 1.577 % 656 M p
Legal & General Investment Management Ltd.
1.532 %
10,516,000 1.532 % 637 M p
Schroder Investment Management Ltd.
1.325 %
9,101,071 1.325 % 551 M p
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Altrius Capital Management, Inc.
0.0165 %
565,187 0.0165 % 7 M p
Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.004022 %
138,090 0.004022 % 2 M p
Sterling Capital Management LLC
0.003188 %
109,459 0.003188 % 1 M p
Great Lakes Advisors LLC
0.002853 %
97,963 0.002853 % 1 M p
Yousif Capital Management LLC
0.001141 %
39,173 0.001141 % 474 228 p
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.000995 %
34,169 0.000995 % 413 650 p
Old National Bank (Investment Management)
0.000822 %
28,213 0.000822 % 341 547 p
Fulton Financial Advisors, NA
0.000475 %
16,292 0.000475 % 197 231 p
The Chicago Trust Co. NA
0.000446 %
15,313 0.000446 % 185 379 p
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000387 %
13,302 0.000387 % 161 034 p
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Wärtsilä Oyj Abp0.04%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

United Kingdom 27.22%
United States 26.36%
Luxembourg 4.59%
Canada 3.08%
France 2.56%
Switzerland 2.54%
Norway 2.35%
Germany 1.94%
Sweden 1.36%
Netherlands 1.13%
Spain 0.84%
Australia 0.64%
Belgium 0.58%
Malaysia 0.58%
Denmark 0.56%
Ireland 0.55%
Italy 0.53%
Singapore 0.5%
Japan 0.44%
Finland 0.19%
Hong Kong 0.18%
South Africa 0.17%
South Korea 0.17%
Kuwait 0.13%
Austria 0.08%
Thailand 0.05%
Saudi Arabia 0.05%
Czech Republic 0.05%
New Zealand 0.04%
Qatar 0.03%
China 0.03%
Kazakhstan 0.02%
Individuals 0.01%
Portugal 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc specializes in the production and marketing of household cleaning products. The group also produces and sells personal care products and OTC remedies. Net sales break down by product family as follows: - hygiene and household cleaning products (42%): toilet and bathroom cleaning products (Cillit Bang and Harpic brands), disinfectants and surface cleaners (no. 1 worldwide in disinfectant cleaners; Dettol, Lysol and Veja brands), deodorants and anti-parasitics (no. 2 worldwide; Air Wick, Mortein and SBP brands), dishwashing products (no. 1 worldwide; decalcifying salts, anti-corrosion products, strippers, etc.; Calgonit and Finish brands), laundry detergents, fabric softeners and ironing aids (Vanish, Calgon and Woolite brands); - OTC and health products (41.5%): antiseptic products (no. 1 worldwide; Dettol brand), OTC products (Gaviscon, Mucinex, Strepsils, Clearasil, etc.), intimate wellness products (Durex, K-Y and Queen V brands), vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements (Airborne, Move Free and Neuriva brands), analgesics (Nurofen brand), and personal care products (Veet brand); - nutrition products (16.5%): primarily infant nutrition products (Enfamil, Enfagrow, Enfinitas and Nutramigen brands). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United Kingdom (6.1%), the United States (31.1%) and other (62.8%).
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