DarwinAI and Red Hat announced a collaboration to accelerate the deployment of COVID Net a suite of deep neural networks for COVID-19 detection and risk stratification via chest radiography to hospitals and other healthcare facilities. DarwinAI and Red Hat are also leveraging the expertise of a computation research group, the Fetal Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental Science Center (FNNDSC) at Boston Children's Hospital to better focus the software for real world clinical and research use. Since the launch of COVID-Net by DarwinAI and the University of Waterloo’s Vision and Imaging Processing (VIP) Lab, the project has continued to evolve with assistance, participation and collaboration from researchers and clinicians around the world. The initiative eventually led to a collaboration between DarwinAI and Red Hat, using underlying technology from Boston Children’s, the number one pediatric hospital in the nation. The goal of this collaboration is to make it easier for clinicians to use COVID-Net in hospitals by means of a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) that sits atop Boston Children’s ChRIS framework using Red Hat OpenShift the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that supports deployments across complex hybrid and multicloud infrastructures.