Riyad Bank announced that the Board of Directors approved in its meeting held on September 19, 2016 on achieving asked Chief Executive Officer of the Bank, HE Mr. Talal Ibrahim phallic, satisfy his desire to retire as of October 31, 2016. Professor phallic has worked Riyad Bank for more than three decades, where he held senior positions, most recently as CEO of the bank since the beginning of 2002, and on the achievements of the quantum leap and develop a business bank and exemplary achievements, and destined all his contributions flowing into the bank 's interest and its shareholders. The board of Directors decided to assign brother Abdul Majid Abdullah Al Mubarak, acting CEO of the bank as of October 31, 2016. Prof. Abdul Majeed Abdullah Al Mubarak has previously worked Riyad Bank since 1991 until 2013, during which he acquired a variety of banking expertise for almost 22 years, during which many of the tasks and responsibilities and where he held numerous leadership positions he took, until it was reappointed post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Bank, in September 22, 2014.