Business description: Rocket Internet SE

Rocket Internet SE is a Germany-based company active in the investment management and fund operator industry. The Company identifies, builds, scales and retains ownership of Internet companies. It mainly operates in three sectors: e-commerce, including retail companies in the areas of fashion, general merchandise, home and living, office supplies and food groceries; marketplace, comprising companies active in fields such as real estate, travel, transport and food delivery which offer buyers and sellers venues for direct transactions, among others; and financial technology, containing companies bringing together borrowers and lenders in areas like the consumer and small and medium-sized enterprise segments. As a holding company, Rocket Internet AG holds interests in operating subsidiaries divided into regional Internet groups entailing the geographic regions Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East. The Company has a controlling interest in HelloFresh GmbH.

Number of employees: 387

Sales by Activity: Rocket Internet SE

Fiscal Period: December2018201920202021

Internet Software & Services

44.5M 67.3M 108M 118M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Rocket Internet SE

Fiscal Period: December2018201920202021


20.5M 33.3M 39.92M 48.26M

United Kingdom

12.1M 14M 30.21M 24.72M


4M 4.9M 8.63M 11.77M


- - 5.4M 9.42M

Other Regions

- - 8.63M 7.06M

Cayman Islands

- - 1.08M 7.06M


1.2M 4.5M 5.4M 5.88M

United States of America

- - 6.47M 3.53M


- 1.5M - -


1M - - -


2.9M 3.2M - -

Rest of the World

2.9M 5.9M - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: Rocket Internet SE

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 51 2013-12-31
Director of Finance/CFO - 2013-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 41 2020-03-31
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Members of the board: Rocket Internet SE

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman 60 2016-01-04
Director/Board Member 64 2015-12-15
Director/Board Member 68 2015-06-22
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Rocket Internet SE

GS&P Kapitalanlagegesellschaft SA
1.25 %
1,018,500 1.25 % 17 M €
ProfitlichSchmidlin AG
0.4663 %
379,997 0.4663 % 6 M €
VM Vermögens-Management GmbH
0.1318 %
107,425 0.1318 % 2 M €
BN & Partners Capital AG
0.1305 %
106,331 0.1305 % 2 M €
FPS Vermögensverwaltung GmbH
0.1019 %
83,063 0.1019 % 1 M €
List of ROCKET INTERNET SE shareholders

Company details: Rocket Internet SE

Rocket Internet SE

Charlottenstrasse 4

10969, Berlin

+49 30 300 13 18 00
address Rocket Internet SE(RKET)

Group companies: Rocket Internet SE

NameCategory and Sector
Investment Managers
Financial Conglomerates
Global Fin Tech Holding SARL
Financial Conglomerates
Investment Managers
See all subsidiaries

Other Holding Companies

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.66%-6.79%-5.62%-51.32% 2.36B
+0.58%+2.48%+26.38%+47.46% 87.68B
+2.84%+5.32%+10.12%+7.10% 16.92B
-0.71%+1.60%+18.61%+34.36% 15.63B
-0.16%-5.65%+33.43%+120.66% 14.68B
+1.18%0.00%+55.15%+168.11% 13.65B
+0.09%+1.79%-2.03%+13.11% 12.26B
+0.06%-0.80%-6.14%+379.29% 11.41B
-0.17%-0.84%+2.98%-11.48% 10.95B
-0.79%+1.62%+43.71%-2.14% 10.02B
Average +0.08%-0.43%+17.66%+70.52% 19.56B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.32%+0.73%+22.40%+67.00%
See all sector performances
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  3. RKET Stock
  4. Company Rocket Internet SE