Executive Committee: RTL Group S.A.

Positions heldSince
Thomas Hermann Rabe

Thomas Hermann Rabe

59 year

Chief Executive Officer 2019-03-31
Vincent Pascaud

Vincent Pascaud

59 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2012-12-31
Siska Ghesquiere

Siska Ghesquiere

44 year

General Counsel 2020-01-31
Björn Bauer

Björn Bauer

45 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2019-08-27
Oliver Fahlbusch

Oliver Fahlbusch

52 year

Investor Relations Contact 2020-06-30
Public Communications Contact 2006-07-31
Sales & Marketing 2011-12-31
Francesco Costadura

Francesco Costadura

60 year

Human Resources Officer 2016-07-31
Elmar Heggen

Elmar Heggen

57 year

Chief Operating Officer 2019-08-27

Composition of the Board of Directors: RTL Group S.A.

Martin Taylor

Martin Taylor

72 year

Audit Committee 2019-03-31
Compensation Committee Chair 2019-03-31
Nominating Committee Chair 2019-03-31
Lauren Zalaznick

Lauren Zalaznick

62 year

Compensation Committee
Nominating Committee 2024-11-05
Compensation Committee Chair 2023-08-06
Audit Committee 2024-11-05
Governance Committee 2024-11-05
Elmar Heggen

Elmar Heggen

57 year

Compensation Committee 2018-03-31
Nominating Committee 2018-03-31
Audit Committee 2005-12-20
Executive Committee 2012-09-24
Pernille Erenbjerg

Pernille Erenbjerg

58 year

Governance Committee 2014-12-31
Nominating Committee 2014-12-31
Audit Committee Chair 2022-04-26
Finance Committee Chair 2014-12-31
Thomas Andreas Götz

Thomas Andreas Götz

53 year

Audit Committee 2015-04-14
Compensation Committee 2015-04-14
Nominating Committee 2015-04-14
Rolf Hellermann

Rolf Hellermann

48 year

Audit Committee
Compensation Committee
Nominating Committee
Immanuel Hermreck

Immanuel Hermreck

55 year

Compensation Committee 2018-12-31
Nominating Committee 2018-12-31
Thomas Hermann Rabe

Thomas Hermann Rabe

59 year

Executive Committee
Nominating Committee Chair 2020-08-10
Jean-Louis Schiltz

Jean-Louis Schiltz

61 year

Audit Committee 2017-04-18
Alexander von Torklus

Alexander von Torklus

Director/Board Member 2023-04-25
Guillaume de Posch

Guillaume de Posch

67 year

Director/Board Member 2012-04-17
Carsten Coesfeld

Carsten Coesfeld

Director/Board Member 2023-04-25

Former Officers and Directors: RTL Group S.A.

Positions held
Bettina Wulf
Bettina Wulf
Director/Board Member 2020-06-29 2023-04-25
James M. Singh
James M. Singh
Director/Board Member 2011-04-19 2022-04-26
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-04-19 2022-04-26
Rolf Schmidt-Holtz
Rolf Schmidt-Holtz
Director/Board Member 2012-04-17 2021-04-27
Bernd Kundrun
Bernd Kundrun
Director/Board Member 2012-04-17 2021-04-27
Ursula Schmidt
Ursula Schmidt
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2004-05-31 2021-03-31
Compliance Officer 2013-07-31 2021-03-31
Bernd Hirsch
Bernd Hirsch
Director/Board Member 2016-04-19 2020-12-30
Vincent de Dorlodot
Vincent de Dorlodot
General Counsel 2000-03-31 2020-01-31
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
François Masquelier
François Masquelier
Treasurer 2010-11-10 2019-12-31
Olivier Zacharia
Olivier Zacharia
Chief Investment Officer 2007-04-30 2019-11-30
Bert Habets
Bert Habets
Director/Board Member 2017-04-18 2019-03-31
Chief Executive Officer 2017-04-18 2019-03-31
Anke Schäferkordt
Anke Schäferkordt
Director/Board Member 2012-04-17 2017-04-18
Chief Executive Officer 2012-04-17 2017-04-18
Jacques Santer
Jacques Santer
Director/Board Member 2010-02-21 2017-04-18
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-10-11 2017-04-18
Andreas Rudas
Andreas Rudas
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 2015-12-31
Marcel Reichart
Marcel Reichart
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-12-31 2015-12-31
Achim Berg
Achim Berg
Director/Board Member 2014-03-31 2015-07-11
Jon Miller
Jon Miller
Director/Board Member 2014-04-15 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2014-04-15 -
Thomas Hesse
Thomas Hesse
Director/Board Member 2011-12-31 2014-03-04
Judith Hartmann
Judith Hartmann
Director/Board Member 2011-12-31 2013-12-31
Oliver Herrgesell
Oliver Herrgesell
Public Communications Contact 2012-06-18 2012-06-18
Sales & Marketing 2012-06-18 2012-06-18
Siegfried Luther
Siegfried Luther
Chairman 2010-02-21 2012-04-17
Gerhard Zeiler
Gerhard Zeiler
Director/Board Member 2010-11-09 2012-04-17
Chief Executive Officer 2003-03-03 2012-04-17
Günther Grüger
Günther Grüger
Director/Board Member 2010-02-21 2011-12-30
Hartmut Ostrowski
Hartmut Ostrowski
Director/Board Member 2007-12-06 2011-12-30
Jeronimo Federico Folgueira Sanchez
Jeronimo Federico Folgueira Sanchez
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 2010-12-31
Axel Duroux
Axel Duroux
Chairman 2004-12-31 2008-12-31
Ewald Walgenbach
Ewald Walgenbach
Director/Board Member 1999-12-31 2007-12-30
Gunter Thielen
Gunter Thielen
Director/Board Member 2001-12-31 2007-12-30
Bakel Walden
Bakel Walden
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-10-19 -
Gilles Samyn
Gilles Samyn
Director/Board Member - 2005-12-31
Ralf Schremper
Ralf Schremper
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-03-31 2005-06-30
Jean-Marie Bourhis
Jean-Marie Bourhis
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-11-10 2011-10-19
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-10-19 -
Didier Bellens
Didier Bellens
President - 2002-12-31
Herman Onno C. R. Ruding
Herman Onno C. R. Ruding
Director/Board Member 2000-09-19 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-10-11 -
Michael Beisheim
Michael Beisheim
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2012-09-23 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 2012-09-23
Andrew Buckhurst
Andrew Buckhurst
Investor Relations Contact 2000-07-31 -
Alexander Glatz
Alexander Glatz
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 -
Michel Delloye
Michel Delloye
Chief Executive Officer 1991-12-31 1995-12-31
Romain Mannelli
Romain Mannelli
Human Resources Officer 2010-02-21 -
Helmut Thoma
Helmut Thoma
Corporate Officer/Principal 1983-12-31 -
Richard Anthony Eyre
Richard Anthony Eyre
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Claire Suzanne Davenport
Claire Suzanne Davenport
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Paul Konsbruck
Paul Konsbruck
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Sushel K. Bijganath
Sushel K. Bijganath
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Esther Pierard
Esther Pierard
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tun van Rijswijck
Tun van Rijswijck
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jacques Galloy
Jacques Galloy
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2010-12-06 -
Director of Finance/CFO - 2010-12-06
Ignace Adolf Julien van Meenen
Ignace Adolf Julien van Meenen
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Andreas Meier
Andreas Meier
Public Communications Contact - -
Gérald Frère
Gérald Frère
Director/Board Member - -
Caroline Chartier
Caroline Chartier
Public Communications Contact - -
Edouard de Fierlant
Edouard de Fierlant
Corporate Secretary - -
Ian Ryder Marchant Ousey
Ian Ryder Marchant Ousey
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Sandra Schumacher
Sandra Schumacher
Public Communications Contact - -
Janine Neves
Janine Neves
Public Communications Contact - -
Noelke Rhys
Noelke Rhys
Private Equity Investor - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 16
Female 4

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 10
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision
Logo RTL Group S.A.
RTL Group S.A. is the leading European audiovisual group. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - operation of TV channels and radio stations (65.8%): holding majority and majority stakes in 56 TV channels (including RTL Television, Super RTL, M6, Five, VOX, Antena 3, etc.) and in 36 radio stations (including RTL, 1st French radio, RTL 2, Fun Radio, etc.); - production and distribution of television programs (29.7%): games, soap operas, sports events, etc. In addition, the group is developing a marketing activity for audiovisual rights; - other (4.5%): in particular the exploitation of the websites of TV channels and radio stations. Net sales break down by source of income into sales of advertising space (51.5%), audiovisual rights (40.4%) and other (8.1%). Net sales break down geographically as follows: Germany (36.1%), France (18.9%), the United States (13.9%), the Netherlands (8.7%), the United Kingdom (4.4%), Belgium (1%) and other (17%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Michel Delloye
Michel Delloye

Chief Executive Officer

1991-12-31 1995-12-31

Axel Duroux
Axel Duroux


2004-12-31 2008-12-31

Gerhard Zeiler
Gerhard Zeiler

Chief Executive Officer

2003-03-03 2012-04-17

Siegfried Luther
Siegfried Luther


2010-02-21 2012-04-17

Anke Schäferkordt
Anke Schäferkordt

Chief Executive Officer

2012-04-17 2017-04-18

Bert Habets
Bert Habets

Chief Executive Officer

2017-04-18 2019-03-31