Share class: RTL Group S.A.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1154,742,80636,702,535 ( 23.72 %) 0 23.72 %

Major shareholders: RTL Group S.A.

Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
76.29 %
118,053,287 76.29 % 3 272 M €
Gané AG
0.5331 %
824,999 0.5331 % 23 M €
Discover Capital GmbH
0.0808 %
125,000 0.0808 % 3 M €
Cedar Street Asset Management LLC
0.0743 %
115,029 0.0743 % 3 M €
Aramea Asset Management AG
0.0355 %
55,000 0.0355 % 2 M €
I. G. Investment Management Ltd.
0.0279 %
43,185 0.0279 % 1 M €
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.0268 %
41,506 0.0268 % 1 M €
Niche Asset Management Ltd.
0.0226 %
34,900 0.0226 % 967 286 €
Steinbeis & Häcker Vermögensverwaltung GmbH
0.0216 %
33,490 0.0216 % 928 207 €
Rothschild & Co. Vermögensverwaltung GmbH
0.0162 %
25,000 0.0162 % 692 899 €
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Germany 77.04%
United States 0.07%
United Kingdom 0.06%
Canada 0.05%
Luxembourg 0.03%
France 0.02%
Belgium 0.01%
Spain 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo RTL Group S.A.
RTL Group S.A. is the leading European audiovisual group. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - operation of TV channels and radio stations (65.8%): holding majority and majority stakes in 56 TV channels (including RTL Television, Super RTL, M6, Five, VOX, Antena 3, etc.) and in 36 radio stations (including RTL, 1st French radio, RTL 2, Fun Radio, etc.); - production and distribution of television programs (29.7%): games, soap operas, sports events, etc. In addition, the group is developing a marketing activity for audiovisual rights; - other (4.5%): in particular the exploitation of the websites of TV channels and radio stations. Net sales break down by source of income into sales of advertising space (51.5%), audiovisual rights (40.4%) and other (8.1%). Net sales break down geographically as follows: Germany (36.1%), France (18.9%), the United States (13.9%), the Netherlands (8.7%), the United Kingdom (4.4%), Belgium (1%) and other (17%).
More about the company