COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) - Unlike usual, ARD's "Sportschau" was not produced in its own studio this Saturday due to a strike at WDR. This was confirmed on Platform X by the "Sportschau" itself. The "Bild" newspaper had previously reported on this.

Thanks to RTL, however, the Bundesliga highlight show could still be broadcast. The private broadcaster provided a TV studio in Koln. "In order to ensure that the "Sportschau" could be broadcast as usual despite the strike, WDR moved the production to an RTL studio as a precautionary measure," a WDR spokesperson told the online magazine "DWDL".

Due to a wage dispute, the unions Deutscher Journalisten-Verband, ver.di and Unisono had called for a five-day strike, which is due to end on Tuesday night. In addition to "Sportschau", other ARD programs are also affected by the studio bottleneck./wma/DP/he