HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - A traditional media industry location in Hamburg is now history. A good three years after the takeover of the magazine house Gruner+Jahr, RTL has moved into new premises in the Elbe metropolis and completely vacated the well-known G+J building on Baumwall, along with all editorial offices and other offices. The building had been G+J's corporate headquarters since 1990.

"After months of intensive renovation and preparation, RTL Germany's move from Baumwall in Hamburg to HafenCity has been completed on schedule," the media group announced. "From now on, all 1,500 employees who previously worked at the Baumwall location – including the subsidiaries Ad Alliance, Gruner+Jahr, DPV and RTL News (stern+) – will be working in the heart of Hamburg's HafenCity."

The move took place in two stages. "In addition to the 'stern+' editorial team, which already moved in spring 2024, the editorial teams of Gruner+Jahr's core brands and the other divisions have now also moved into the new building at Koreastraße 7."

Ingrid Heisserer, Chief Financial & Chief Human Resources Officer at RTL Germany, said in the statement: "We are very pleased that the move from Baumwall to our new location on Koreastraße went so smoothly and according to plan. By deciding on the new building, we are clearly committing ourselves to Hamburg as a media location."

The lease for the new building at Koreastraße 7 was signed for a term of ten years. The eight-storey brick building, which was completed in 2016, impresses with bright and modern office and recreational areas, as well as a green inner courtyard, according to the statement. With a total rental area of around 17,600 square meters, RTL Germany is the main tenant, renting around 17,200 square meters./bok/DP/mis