HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - Employees of the former publishing house Gruner + Jahr, which belongs to RTL, have protested in Hamburg against a possible sale of magazine titles. RTL had integrated the magazine division of the publishing house - both companies belong to the Bertelsmann Group - into its portfolio at the turn of 2021/22 and wants to create more synergies. It has been known for some time that the title portfolio is being reviewed. Well-known magazines from Gruner + Jahr include "Stern," "Geo," "Brigitte" and "Schöner Wohnen."

A spokesman for RTL Deutschland said on Wednesday in response to a dpa inquiry: "The analysis of the title portfolio is underway. Results have not yet been determined, they are planned for the first quarter of 2023 and will be communicated accordingly then. No sales talks are taking place." The listed TV group did not comment on speculation about individual titles.

At noon, employees gathered in front of the publishing building in Hamburg, trade unionists had called for. The protest action was not a warning strike. According to Verdi, more than 200 employees attended the protest. They held up posters. On them were titles of their magazines, along with demands such as: "We want to stay!!!" or "Stop the sellout!". Verdi stressed that the protest in Hamburg was a prelude to further actions.

Hamburg's media senator Carsten Brosda said: "It is time that the uncertainty for employees ends and there is a clear perspective for the future. For me, this still applies: Anyone who bears responsibility for a media company assumes not only economic responsibility, but also social and public responsibility." The SPD politician went on to stress that he very much hoped that the company's unique journalistic tradition would not be judged solely on the basis of current market conditions and the interests of the TV station RTL. According to RTL, 1750 employees work at the Hamburg site./rin/DP/jha