BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - ARD secured the ratings victory with the classic crime show "Tatort" on Sunday evening in prime time. At 8:15 p.m., 6.21 million viewers watched the Frankfurt "Tatort" episode "Erbarmen. Too late." That corresponds to a market share of 24.8 percent. Behind it was ZDF with the movie "Hotel Barcelona," which drew 3.27 million people (13 percent).

The cooking show "Grill den Henssler" on Vox followed at a distance - 1.49 million people (7.4 percent) spent the evening with it. ProSieben showed the U.S. fantasy action movie "Guardians of the Galaxy," drawing 1.4 million (6 percent). Sat.1 got 1.1 million (4.6 percent) with the comedy "Fack Ju Gothe 2."

RTL broadcast American Football NFL - 810,000 viewers (3.2 percent) wanted to see that at 8:50 p.m. RTLzwei's disaster action movie "The North Sea - Todesfalle Nordsee" drew 680,000 viewers (2.8 percent)./rin/DP/ngu