Safari Industries (India) Limited has received a demand order from Office of Assistant Commissioner, Varanasi. The authority involved is the Office of Assistant Commissioner, Varanasi. The nature and details of the action taken or order passed indicate that a demand has been initiated as per order amounting to INR 510,116 due to a mismatch of addresses in the E-way bill.

The date of receipt of the direction or order, including any ad-interim or interim orders, is noted as 16th November 2024. The details of the violation or contraventions committed or alleged to be committed include an order under Section 129(3) of the SGST Act read with Section 20 of the IGST Act. Regarding the impact on financial, operational, or other activities of the listed entity, it is stated that there is none; specifically, there is no material impact on financials, operations, or other activities of the Company.

As for the explanations for the delay in disclosure, it is explained that the order was received by the Company on Saturday, 16th November 2024, which is a non-working day, and the intimation is being submitted today, i.e., 18th November 2024, being the first working day after the receipt of the order.