Safran has just announced that, in September 2024, it will have completed, alongside Turbotech and Air Liquide, the ground demonstration of an aeronautical hydrogen gas turbine using 'a high-performance regenerative cycle' and supplied from a liquid hydrogen tank.

The connection to a cryogenic liquid storage system (-250°C) developed by Air Liquide demonstrated the end-to-end integration of a propulsion system representative of all functions on a complete aircraft.

' This is a major step forward in the transition to a totally decarbonized aeronautical propulsion mode, and one that can actually be used, once the world mass-produces green hydrogen', stressed Damien Fauvet, CEO of Turbotech

As a reminder, Turbotech, Elixir Aircraft, Safran, Air Liquide and Daher joined forces in June 2022 in a joint research project called BeautHyFuel.

The aim of this project is to define and ground-test a hydrogen propulsion system in a power range suited to light aviation.

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