Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) announced that at the end of the first half of the year, its building rights and production portfolio, including joint ventures, amounted to approximately 59,000 apartments. Together with its associated companies, SBB is the European company with the greater potential from future housing production. SBB has entered into an agreement with the industrial apartment building manufacturer Sizes Works and the goal is for the volume from 2023 to amount to 1,000 apartments per year, 346 apartments have already been ordered. The buildings are built in an industrialized process in a factory with a solid wood frame which gives a significantly lower climate impact compared to traditional construction methods and the buildings will have an energy use that is about half of the requirement in BBR which will contribute to SBB's sustainability goals to be climate neutral in the year 2030. In addition to the fact that the climate goals can be achieved, the large number of apartments creates jobs for people who are outside the labour market. Jobs will mainly be created in the factory where the houses are manufactured but also at the construction sites around the country. To further ensure that production takes place in accordance with SBB's ambitious sustainability goals and to drive industry development, SBB has become as a shareholder in Sizes Works with an ownership share of 14%.