Major shareholders: Samsung SDS Co.,Ltd.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
22.58 %
17,472,110 22.58 % 1 451 M ₩
Samsung C&T Corp.
17.08 %
13,215,822 17.08 % 1 098 M ₩
7,118,713 9.2 % 591 M ₩
National Pension Service of Korea
8.754 %
6,773,692 8.754 % 563 M ₩
Pictet Asset Management Ltd.
0.1718 %
132,936 0.1718 % 11 M ₩
Nordea Investment Management AB
0.111 %
85,880 0.111 % 7 M ₩
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.1023 %
79,170 0.1023 % 7 M ₩
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.0841 %
65,080 0.0841 % 5 M ₩
Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (Investment Portfolio)
0.0792 %
61,318 0.0792 % 5 M ₩
Storebrand Asset Management AS
0.07 %
54,200 0.07 % 5 M ₩
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.22.58%
Samsung C&T Corp.17.08%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

South Korea 48.53%
Individuals 9.21%
United Kingdom 0.34%
Sweden 0.2%
Ireland 0.08%
Norway 0.07%
Switzerland 0.05%
Austria 0.03%
Finland 0.03%
Australia 0.02%
Luxembourg 0.02%
Singapore 0.02%
Netherlands 0.02%
France 0.01%
Japan 0.01%
United States 0.01%
Denmark 0.01%
Italy 0.01%
Canada 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Samsung SDS Co.,Ltd.
Samsung SDS Co Ltd is a Korea-based company principally engaged in the provision of information technology (IT) services. The Company operates its business through two segments. The IT Services segment is engaged in the provision of consulting and system integration (SI) services, application outsourcing and infrastructure services. Consulting and SI services include manufacturing IT services and big data, application mobile solutions. Application outsourcing and infrastructure services include data center, network, and cloud services. The Logistics Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) segment is engaged in the provision of global fourth-party logistics services including transportation, storage, unloading and management of goods.
More about the company