November 24, 2021

Vol. LXXVI, No. 45

a weekly Aramco publication for employees

YLAB Academy 8

Putting our brightest to the test


In the minds of the young is the future of Aramco.

- Amin Nasser, president and CEO

With diversity, you can

Diversity, Future of Work topics kickoff program

See page 2

enjoy different styles

and ways of thinking. It

helps you get rid of the

blind spots, or at least to

keep working at them.

  • Jane Fraser, Citigroup CEO

Taking care of

Aramco unveils

our contractor

Central Park in


the Heart of



See page 2

See page 4


aramco LIFE

today to stay

informed, and


November 24, 2021 the arabian sun

Citigroup2 company news CEO talks team building, leading with empathy

By Rawan Nasser

formation, and more. Speakers include

COVID-19 impacts have been largely

Jane Fraser speaks

world-class thought leaders and ex-

during the most recent

negative, but Citigroup CEO Jane Fra-

perts from a number of global business

Executive Speaker Series

ser found something during the global

program. Fraser, who is

partners such as the Harvard Business

pandemic worth holding on to: the cour-

the first woman to lead

School, the London Business School, and

age to practice a new style of leadership

a major financial


without compromising on excellence.

institution in the U.S.,

emphasized leading

The first speaker to launch the series

Fraser was the most recent guest

with empathy,

something she has done

was Professor Lynda Gratton from the

during Aramco's Executive Speaker Se-

to help shape Citigroup

London Business School, who shared

ries program.

into the company it is

her experience and perspective on "The


Future of Work." Gratton is currently a

During the pandemic, Fraser could see

professor of Management Practice at

the fatigue employees were experienc-

the London Business School where she

ing as a result of work spilling into their

directs the world's leading program on

personal time. To combat the fatigue,

human resources, "Human Resource

she implemented a cultural shift, ban-

Strategy in Transforming Companies."

ning video calls on Fridays, encourag-

ing employees to set healthy boundar-

lated. Fraser said women must be on-

would like to leave at Citigroup, Fraser

Gratton discussed how demography,

ies, and allowing for hybrid and flexible

boarded fairly, and that hiring compa-

said it would be modernizing the com-

technology, globalization, society, and


nies must be careful not to miss out on

pany successfully.

energy resources continuously reshape

Seeking competitive advantage


dustries," she said, and she wants to use

dustries are expected to require com-

opportunities or be unaware of their

the way we work. She noted that more

unconscious bias and how it affects their

"Digitalization is changing many in-

than one-third of all jobs across all in-

The first female chief executive of Citi-

those developments to continue making

plex problem solving as one of their core

group and first woman to lead a ma-

"With diversity, you can enjoy differ-

the 200-year-old institution relevant and


jor financial institution in the U.S., she

ent styles and ways of thinking," she


knows how hard it is to build a diverse

said. "It helps you get rid of the blind

Social skills such as persuasion, emo-


spots, or at least to keep working at

The Executive Speaker Series program

tional intelligence, and teaching others

She noted that as women advance in


consists of monthly sessions focused

will be in higher demand across indus-

on emerging corporate topics such as

tries than narrow technical skills, such as

the business world, they are often iso-

When asked about what legacy she

sustainability, innovation, digital trans-

programming or equipment operation

and control.

AramcoHelping more thanprogram200,000 contractorslookslivetobetterenhancelives contractor well-being

Kingdomwide, there are more than 300 contractor camps, housing more than 200,000 contractors supporting company operations. Contractor's well-being is essential to their performance and covers physical, mental, and social health.

The Contractor Well-Being Program will enhance well-being within both the worksite and the accommodation through key deliverables, including introduction of compliance requirements, training, assessments, awareness resourc- es, and counseling services.

Improving contractor well-being delivers advantages at both the individual and corporate level. As such, the program's goals have been defined and include reducing accidents and injuries, reducing health care costs, improving productiv- ity, improving engagement, enhancing corporate reputation, and demonstrating corporate social responsibility.

The Contractor Well-Being Program will enhance well-being within both the worksite and the accommodation through key deliverables, including introduction of compliance requirements, training, assessments, awareness resources, and counseling services.

How to take the course

To date, more than 250 company and contractor employees who are engaged with contractors and their well-being have completed the train- ing. Eligible employees engaged with contractor camps and who are interested in taking the course can obtain more information by emailing "EP Contractor Well-Being" from the com- pany's Outlook.

covering mental well-being, stress management, task management, tobacco cessation, sleep, diabetes pre- vention, weight management, physical activity nutrition, and meditation.

• Online materials and resources to

support the mental, physical, and so-

cial well-being of Aramco contractor

The program is administered and coordinated by Environmental Protection (EP), which sets standards and ensures compli- ance, provides training to company rep- resentatives, and develops resources. EP also works with proponent department representatives who interface with their assigned contractor company's staff to develop a well-being network of formal and informal representatives both within Aramco and the contractor workforce.

This network is key to ensuring that the contractor well-being program reaches every member of the company's contractor workforce.

Courses and resources

A key element in the development of this network has been the delivery by EP

of the QPR Gatekeeper Training Course (BET 40130707). The course teaches the evidence-based methodology of "Ques- tion, Persuade, and Refer," which prepares participants to detect potentially self-destructive behavior, to persuade subjects to refrain from self-harm, and to make referrals to a specialist for treat- ment.

Other mental health services are planned to be launched by year's end. This includes a 24/7 Mental Health Ho- tline and WhatsApp service for immediate help and support on suicide preven- tion.

This service will be offered in English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Tagalog, Bengali, and Chinese languages. In conjunction with the mentioned hotline, a video mental health counseling platform has been

launched and will be availed through a web-based portal as well as a mobile application in native employee language.

Coming soon in 2022

After extensive trials and development of the program in collaboration with Project Management this year, EP plans to roll-out the program across the company in 2022. This will include expanding QPR training to cover all eligible propo- nents.

The coming year will also witness the implementation of additional services, including the following program elements:

  • Well-beingawareness events across Aramco contractor camps addressing behavior change. This element will be delivered through health programs

employees. Resources will include

best practice educational material

offered in the employees' respective


• Physical or online well-being assess-

ments conducted at Aramco con-

tractor camps. The objective of these

assessments is to evaluate the perfor-

mance of the program and identify

areas of success and opportunities for


As 2021 comes to an end, EP will build on the success in the delivered accomplishments to launch the corporate roll out. EP remains focused on leading the way by implementing a world-class program that will ensure all contractor em- ployee's well-being, and support company performance and environmental, social and corporate governance rating.

the arabian sun November 24, 2021



company news 3

'In the minds of the young

Eamonn Houston

Byis the future of Aramco'

facing major corporations and the evolv-

Aramco president and CEO Amin

ing global landscape.

Nasser, encouraged 60 finalists in the

Investment strategy

selection process for next year's cohort

of the Young Leaders' Advisory Board

(YLAB) Academy to blaze a trail for the

He explained that the company's in-

company and lead it to a bright future.

vestment strategy would continue to

globally grow at pace, declaring, "We

Nasser offered words of encourage-

are counting on you."

challenges that the company will be fac-

tantly in all of you, we have the energy

ment to the young employees hoping


and capabilities to deliver."

to make it into the eighth 16-strong co-

"It shows your potential, to have

Technologies and partnerships

hort of the academy. "In the minds of

reached this stage. The YLAB helps us,

With Aramco announcing its ambition

the young is the future of Aramco," the

and guides us to the future of the com-

to reach net-zero in Scope 1 and 2 emis-

president and CEO said.

pany - and the future of the company

sions by 2050, Nasser said that getting to

The CEO went on to say that new and

is with you. Ultimately, you will be the

net-zero and achieving parallel growth

emerging technologies and partnerships

A rigorous and intense selection pro-

leaders. Among you will be vice presi-

in our business, would require the bright

would play an increasingly big part in

cess involving 1,000 initial applicants

dents, senior management, and CEOs.

minds of the future leaders participating

the company's future and would be key

had brought the 60 to the final phase of

Over the past five years, we have wit-

in the YLAB Academy.

in further boosting competitiveness and

the process at Dhahran's Upstream Pro-

nessed a significant transformation and

sustainable growth.

fessional Development Center (UPDC),

the future will be very different, more

"Can you deliver? Considering the

and featured three days of testing cor-

than what the company has done over

challenges and the opportunities ahead

Nasser added that the quality of Ar-

porate challenges.

the past 85 to 90 years.

of us, we need to do it locally, but also

amco's youthful workforce made them

Opportunities and challenges

globally," he said. "It will be a significant

highly sought-after employees.

Nasser addressed the YLAB Acade-

undertaking and we are confident that

my hopefuls on the academy's opening

we have the talent to deliver, to grow

It is estimated that over two-thirds of

day, and spoke to them at length about

"You know very well what's ahead of

our investments and businesses. There

the company's workforce is now aged

what's expected of them, new re lities

you in ter s of opportunities, and the

are huge expectations, but more impor-

35 r under.

Eamonn Houston

Academy 8 puts brightest

challenges focused on areas of relevance


to the test

to the industry, and to the world. Candi-

YLAB Academy 8

Since its establishment 10 years ago,

encourages its

dates were encouraged to come up with

participants to

the Young Leaders Advisory Board

solutions on some of the company's big-

develop solutions on

(YLAB) has set out on a journey to em-

some of the

gest management matters.

power, engage, and inspire the youth

company's biggest

of Aramco, and to serve as a bridge be-

management matters,

This included sustainability, cost optimi-

tween Generations Y and Z in the com-


zation, and strategies on the company's

sustainability, cost

pany and senior management.

various businesses.

optimization, and

YLAB recognizes the criticality of con-


Waleed A. Al Mulhim, executive direc-


tinuously engaging the youth of Aramco

tor of Petroleum Engineering and Devel-

on corporate, industry, and global chal-

opment and YLAB Academy 8 judging

lenges. Through both physical and virtu-

panelist, said: "The YLAB Academy chal-

al engagements, this autonomous body

lenges covered a wide range of the com-

supports the youth in becoming an active

pany's most critical focus areas. The lev-

resource toward solving these issues, and

el of depth and critical thinking that the

providing innovative ideas and solutions

can most closely be compared to a "boot

he said.

participants displayed is very impressive,

that drive Aramco's strategic intent.


given the complexity and technicality of

Executive speakers

Al Jaafari added that the assessment

the challenges."

Through its deep dives into some of the

process was highly structured and would

company's biggest challenges, adviso-

give all candidates the opportunity to

The YLAB Academy is the ultimate

ry services and various initiatives, YLAB

The event also hosted Aramco execu-

add value to their respective organiza-

learning experience for young employ-

tackles these challenges, with the goal of

tive speakers, including Wail A. Al Jaa-


ees who are willing to put 110% into at-

supporting the company in maintaining

fari, executive director of Southern Area

tempting to develop solutions for some

its competitive edge in the industry and

Gas Operations, and Thomas W. Palmer,

"This is serious, this is so intensive, it is

of the company's biggest challenges.

its position as the best place to work.

manager of the Executive Development

an assessment center that will assess your

Moreover, it gives them a glimpse into

A place to test the best

and Compensation Department.

capabilities and give you the opportunity

the types of discussions that happen at

to add beyond your organizations," he

the highest levels of management in the

The highlight for the finalists was an

said. "It is an intensive experience that

company, thereby preparing them for the

The YLAB Academy provides a unique

engagement with Amin Nasser, president

will allow you to develop yourself and

future and getting them into a growth

venue for young, motivated employees

and CEO.

to work in teams, which is very, very im-


to be challenged and stretched beyond


their limits and comfort zones. Every 18

In his opening remarks, Al Jaafari wel-


Faisal N. Nughaimish, chief drilling

months, hundreds of young employees

comed the Academy hopefuls and high-

engineer and YLAB Academy 8 judging

under the age of 35 apply for YLAB. With

lighted the importance of YLAB to the

panelist and YLAB 1 alumnus, explained:

several filtrations and stages of assess-

company and the Kingdom.

The heart of the Academy lies in its

"To succeed as a young leader in the

ment, only 60 people out of hundreds of

challenges, where participants are divid-

company, you must acquire a wide range

applicants make it to the Academy, which

"Congratulations, you have been

ed into teams and assigned tasks, at ran-

of skills. The YLAB Academy, and ulti-

is considered the final stage of a rigorous,

through the application and the inter-

dom, that speak to various corporatewide

mately, the YLAB experience, puts those

comprehensive selection process.

view process and that is a milestone in


skills to the test. Resilience, critical think-

itself - this is an achievement in itself

ing, and the ability to effectively work in

The Academy is a multi-day event that to be selected from 1,000 applicants," This time around, the YLAB 8 Academy a team are among those skills."

- Fahad K. Al-Dhubaib

November 24, 2021 the arabian sun

4 company news

PromotiCentralg sustain bilityParkwithin Aramco'sincommunitiesthe Heart of Dhahran

By Dalia Darweesh

Northeast of the Dhahran Golf Course,

the new Central Park was inaugurated

by Community Services (CS). As part

of its quest to improve the quality and

well-being of Aramco employees and

their families, CS envisioned developing

an exceptional attraction that will fur-

ther promote environmental sustainabil-

ity for the Dhahran community.

The Dhahran Central Park promises to

provide an appealing social atmosphere

combined with a deep sense for the en-

vironment stewardship and a self-sus-

tainable natural park.

Nabeel A. Al-Jama' officially launches the new

Dhahran Central Park in the presence of Fahad K.

Al-Dhubaib and other members of management. The park strives to develop an ecological balance,

The project was successfully complet-

improve the quality of life, and create a sustainable environment that preserves natural resources

ed within six months from inception de-

- emphasizing the global concepts of recycling and reusing.

spite the many challenges faced by the

team, which included weather condi-

seats are made from used materials, and

10 to 12 native flower varieties from the

tions and a rugged dry landscape.

recycling bins are produced from recy-

Arabian Peninsula. The park helps mini-

Promoting biodiversity

cled wood to promote a waste manage-

dependents on the different plant vari-

mize carbon emissions and is an educa-

ment framework.

tional resource for employees and their

The park strives to provide an inviting

The biodiversity of the Dhahran Cen-


the preserving of natural resources

and Tilapia fish that are fed with mos-

The company's commitment

space in an ecologically balanced, sus-

tral Park features local fauna of turtles

tainable environment that underscores

and frogs, in addition to the Gambusia

to sustainability

while emphasizing recycling and reuse.

quitos and aquatic insects - prevent-

ing biological pests in the water. Over

Nabeel A. Al-Jama', senior vice pres-

This project was geared toward uti-

250,000 m2 of rugged landscape was

ident of HR and Corporate Services,

lizing the existing topography without

transformed using state-of-the-art xeri-

said, "This is a unique addition to the

impacting any infrastructures. A grav-

scaping techniques that conserve irriga-

Dhahran community - as the team

ity-flow stream supplies a continuous

tion resources while expanding vegeta-

expanded this small space with a wide

free flow of water through the length of

tion and maintaining aesthetic appeal.

range of native species. We think it pro-

freshwater to embody the recycling and

Toward a greener community

beautiful place, while living up to the

the park without any mechanical parts.

vides a great opportunity for communi-

It uses treated sewage water in place of

ty residents and visitors to enjoy a very

reuse of resources. Low maintenance

With 16,000 native trees and shrubs

company's commitment to sustainabili-

solar power for lighting is used, bench

planted in the park, there are between

ty." Al-Jama' continued, "This is only the

beginning, as we will see more initia-

tives and activities to make our commu-

nities vibrant and thriving places - this

will be our natural oasis in the heart of


Fahad K. Al-Dhubaib, executive direc-

A gravity-flow stream supplies a continuous free flow

tor of CS, shared, "We are in the busi-

ness of moving liquids - oil - from

of water through the length of the park without any

one place to the other. Over the years,

mechanical parts. It uses treated sewage water in

place of freshwater to embody the recycling and

Community Services accumulated the

reuse of resources.

knowledge of moving water to turn the

Over the years, Community Services accumulated the knowledge of moving water to turn the desert into a green oasis. ...

Within three years' time, we will see the entire area alive and full of trees.

desert into a green oasis. The Dhahran Central Park showcases that know-how by bringing an appealing natural park to improve livability and elevate the quality of life. Within three years' time, we will see the entire area alive and full of trees."

Entertainment, alongside the green initiative, has been integrated at the park. Mohammad A. Al Sultan, general manager of CS, said, "Many green initiatives are located in remote areas, yet we wanted to bring it here in the community - with an objective of 65,000 native plants on completion."

Surrounded by the delightful sights and sounds of a water stream, Faisal F. Jindan, Central CS Department acting manager, shared, "Although Community Services has a long history of gardening and landscaping projects, the new Central Park is an uplifting addition to the Dhahran community, which will elevate the quality of life of our community us- ers."

The Dhahran Central Park will become lush green in a few years, whereby future generations will appreciate every moment spent in developing this heavenly place.

Your voice

Aramco: The falcon of the energy industry

By Bader W. Alkhaldi

Your Voice reflects the thoughts and opinions of the writer, and not necessarily those of the pub- lication.

This is the time of the year when mi-

with major challenges. The story of

gratory birds pass through the King-

Dammam Well No. 7 - the Prosperity

dom on their annual journey. I, like

Well - exemplifies this characteristic

a number of people in the Kingdom,


particularly admire one of these birds

- the falcon. This creature has been

Today, we face the challenge of man-

an integral part of the history of the

aging our carbon footprint, and we are

Arabian Peninsula.

addressing it with a plan for persistence

through our promising Greenhouse Gas

The falcon and Aramco share charac-

Emissions Management Program.

teristics that are admirable and import-

ant for success: persistence, decisive-

In his book, Sun Tzu described how

ness, and agility.

leaders should be like the falcon when

faced with critical situations. "Like the

The falcon is amazing in its per-

well-judged flight of the falcon, in a

sistence once its prey is spotted. It

flash crushing its quarry, so should the

will attack the prey several times with

stroke be timed."

varying techniques until it succeeds.

Similarly, history has shown how Ar-

Yes, this is how decisive and agile the

amco employs persistence when faced

falcon is, and Aramco's leaders follow

a similar pattern when confronting global challenges. For example, as a member of Information Technology (IT), I am proud about the decisiveness and agility IT took in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when we enabled all corporate employees to connect remotely as if they are at office, hosting meetings online. Tremendous efforts were exerted to achieve this result in a timely manner that honestly reminded me about how a falcon attacks its prey.

I have no doubt that Aramco and the falcon will continue sharing these three vital characteristics, and our adoption of the Digital Transformation Program will enable us to take these three characteristics to new success levels.

the arabian sun November 24, 2021

company news 5

IncreasingAutomatedinstallation efficiencycablein Marjan pulling tech saves time

By Abdulelah A. Bajandouh and Salem Kbaibah

Aramco's Marjan Increment Program, which is one of the biggest offshore development programs in the company's history, can be considered the biggest offshore development in the world right now.

As part of the program, a new Mar- jan Offshore Gas-Oil Separation Plant (GOSP-4) complex will be constructed as a record-breaking offshore complex in terms of size and production capacity.

Mega-scale construction

The development of the offshore GOSP will entail mega-scale construction works from all aspects and disci- plines. The new offshore GOSP complex will cover a staggering length of more than 1.2 kilometers (km) with six major platforms, 12 interconnecting bridges, and multiple deck levels with complex equipment distributed throughout the facility.

The project team estimates that the total length of the cables in the GOSP will be over 200 km.

This is more than the distance covered when traveling from Dammam to al Ho- fuf (or in an offshore prospective, it is almost 10 times the length of the King Fahd Causeway).

The team recognized the challenges associated with the work involved in

The new electrical cable pulling technology will be utilized in GOSP-4.

pulling and installing a large amount of cables in the offshore facilities. Following the traditional/manual cable pulling methods is time-consuming and can extend the project schedule, as many activities cannot begin before completing the cable pulling.

Resolving challenges

To resolve the challenges; the team scouted the construction technology knowledge base for a solution. After careful evaluation, an automatic cable pulling system was considered.

The new electrical cable pulling technology will be utilized in GOSP-4, and it will be expected to revolutionize the criticality of doing cable pulling work in the future.

This automated cable pulling system is an advanced method that uses smart

rollers during the cable pulling work between the platforms and across bridg- es, reducing the pulling duration while ensuring the cables' integrity and main- tainability.

The system is electrically operated with a control panel for monitoring and controlling the pulling speed and force. It consists of synchronized motors, air inflated rollers, controllers, power panels, and CCTVs.

Advanced technology

Badr M. Burshaid, Marjan & Zuluf Increment Projects Department manager, explained, "Nowadays, utilizing advanced technologies in construction is becoming a necessity and not a luxu- ry. GOSP-4 will be the biggest offshore facility ever built by Aramco. It will be massive from all aspects, and is there- fore, challenging to construct.

"If we continue executing the project following the traditional construction methods, we will set ourselves up to fail. That's why we keep challenging ourselves and our contractors to bring the best and most advanced construction technologies that will allow us to do the work as required," said Burshaid.

"This automated cable pulling technology is only one of many technologies that we have either deployed or are in the process of adapting in our construc- tion. This technology and others will

Nowadays, utilizing advanced technologies in construction is becoming a necessity and not a luxury.

- Badr M. Burshaid

preserve the project schedule, reduce cost, and allow us to execute the work safely and more productively."

The first utilization of the technology is expected during the platforms' fabrication in 2022 and will continue until the final cable pulling in 2024.

Increase in productivity

It is forecasted that the utilization of the automated cable pulling technology will significantly increase productivity while reducing the required manpower by 75%.

This will also lead to major safety risk avoidance as many of the cable pulling activities will take place offshore or while working at heights.

Collaboration spurs salt-in-crude analysis innovation

By Rima Ruhman

About half a decade ago, Aram- co's Research and Development Center (R&DC) went on a quest that would lead them to not only find an innovative solution for a pressing challenge for the North Ghawar Producing Department (NGPD), but create a new product that will be commercialized globally.

The new innovation addressed a challenge that has long plagued Aramco's onshore oil production teams - how to determine the real-time salt concentration in crude oil. Aramco standards require a maximum salt content of its export crude oil to be lower than 10 pounds per thousand barrels, because of the damage that salt can do to the equipment in refineries.

crude measurements allow a proactive approach to guarantee that the produced crude oil is within specification at all times.

But these analyzers weren't optimal.

A focus on automation, simplicity, and risk mitigation

NGPD and the R&DC joined hands with industry leader BARTEC and set out to develop a solution with an acute focus on automation, simplification, and risk mitigation.

The new salt-in-crude analyzer uses a solvent that has a much higher boiling point (ideal for the scorching heat of Saudi summers), reduces the consumption of solvent (from 90% solvent and

Working together with a vendor, Aramco's Research and Development Center and North Ghawar Producing Department developed a new salt-in-crude analyzer that is more efficient, safer, and automated.

NGPD grappled with the challenge of determining the accurate, real-time salt concentration in crude oil, improving the operational efficiency and safety, while keeping the capital expenses and operating expenses (OPEX) low.

Traditionally, salt concentration in crude oil is determined by electrometric methods governed by the American Society of Testing and Materials. These methods involve manually measuring conductivity of a homogeneous mixture - made by diluting a small volume of crude oil in three low boiling polar solvents. Continuous, real-timesalt-in-

10% oil to 50% solvent and 50% oil), improves the accuracy of the measure- ment, and can retrofit any commercial analyzer with minimal modifications. In addition, the simplified Aramco salt-in- crude analyzer requires minimal maintenance and calibration.

Khalid A. Buradha, Oil Operations superintendent at NGPD, said: "The technology represents a step forward in terms of operational efficiency. On the safety front; it eliminates operator's exposure to the hazardous chemicals required by the international practice and reduces the requirement of manually

sampling petroleum, a potentially unhealthy practice for operations person- nel."

The novel single-solvent based salt-in-crude analyzer is patented by Aramco and is manufactured and globally marketed by BARTEC ORB ( under a commercial license agreement facilitated by the Technology Strategy and Planning De- partment.

This technology was successfully proven at Shedgum Gas-Oil Separation

Plant-4 during six months of continuous operation, and is currently under deployment at Khurais, Zuluf, and Safaniyah facilities.

Simone Less, R&DC team lead, said we are dedicated to finding solutions that other companies may not even tackle because Aramco has far-reaching benefits in mind. He said: "Intangibles become tangibles in the long-term. Ar- amco sees the value in selling quality products that exceed current standards and to improve the industry best practices as whole."

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Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabian Oil Company published this content on 24 November 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 November 2021 05:09:01 UTC.