SeaWorld announced the start of Inside Look, an annual experience that brings guests behind-the-scenes to learn more about animal care at one of the world's foremost zoological organizations, visiting places and meeting people not generally available to the public. The event runs on select weekends in January at SeaWorld Orlando, San Antonio, and San Diego parks. Inside Look experiences are included in regular park admission fees.

Each SeaWorld Park will offer some combination of the following experiences as part of Inside Look: Inside Marine Mammal Care: Experience a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to care for cetaceans, sea lions and whales from feeding at the fish house to a poolside encounter led by animal care specialists. With this experience, guests can better understand the role that learned animal behaviors play in wellness checks and see the team applying those behaviors to perform vital health examinations with the animals in their care. Inside SeaWorld Rescue Center: Visit the home base of the SeaWorld Rescue Team to meet and hear from the dedicated filtration experts, animal care personnel, lab technicians, and veterinarians who work around the clock to deliver life-saving care to animals in need.

Guests can learn more about SeaWorld's five-acre Rescue Center in Orlando that has the capacity to care for hundreds of animals including up to 40 manatees at a time -- one of the larger spaces available. SeaWorld's Rescue Teams have come to the aid of more than 39,000 sick, injured, and orphaned animals in need, giving them a second chance at life. Inside Aquarium Experience: Catch an exclusive glimpse at SeaWorld's many aquariums from a birds-eye view, or from underneath the tank itself.

Learn what goes into keeping SeaWorld's animals healthy and how animal care experts maintain animal habitats to closely mirror wild environments. Inside Veterinary Science: Guests can take a first-hand look at SeaWorld's animal care labs and surgical suites where dedicated teams of veterinary experts work to care for animals across the parks and rehabilitate those rescued from adverse situations in the wild. SeaWorld Orlando guests can also see one of only five critical care facilities in the U.S. for the treatment and care of injured, sick, and orphaned animals, including manatees.

Guests can also see doctors and specialists at work as they perform their duties using a wide range of critical care amenities including lifting floors, top-of-the-line therapeutic and diagnostic equipment. Inside Animal Feeding: Experience a unique glimpse into what goes into feeding SeaWorld animals each day – from how nutritionists have developed formulas to mimic natural environment diets to how caregivers calculate the volume of food each animal needs. Inside Wild Artic: Step behind the scenes to learn more about the beluga whales and harbor seals that call Wild Arctic home.

Plus, meet the team members who spend their days caring for these unique animals. Inside Animal Encounters: Guests can meet a variety of animals including eagles, owls, reptiles, birds, and sloths firsthand, and speak with their animal care specialists about what goes into their care and feeding each day. World Class Animal Care, Accredited and Regulated by Experts: SeaWorld Inside Look offers a unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of one of the world's foremost zoological organizations.

Its team of more than 1,000 animal specialists maintain the higher standards of animal welfare and veterinary care for one the larger zoological collections in the world.