Share class: Seiko Group Corporation

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A041,404,26127,696,613 ( 66.89 %) 559,238 ( 1.351 %) 66.89 %

Major shareholders: Seiko Group Corporation

Sanko Kigyo Co.
10.71 %
4,436,000 10.71 % 138 M ¥
3,613,000 8.726 % 113 M ¥
2,279,000 5.504 % 71 M ¥
JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Ltd.
5.259 %
2,177,400 5.259 % 68 M ¥
Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
4.347 %
1,800,000 4.347 % 56 M ¥
1,622,000 3.917 % 51 M ¥
Shimizu Corp.
1.797 %
744,000 1.797 % 23 M ¥
Fuji Building KK /Nihonbashi/
1.621 %
671,000 1.621 % 21 M ¥
595,000 1.437 % 19 M ¥
Seiko Holdings Board Incentive Plan
1.346 %
557,100 1.346 % 17 M ¥
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.4.35%
Shimizu Corp.1.8%
Seiko Epson Corp.0.79%
Argo Graphics, Inc.0.26%
Seiko Group Corp.0.15%
Ohara, Inc.0.12%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Japan 26.75%
Individuals 19.58%
Austria 0.29%
Liechtenstein 0.22%
Luxembourg 0.06%
Ireland 0.02%
Norway 0.01%
Australia 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Seiko Group Corporation
Seiko Group Corp is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the operation of watch business, electronic device business and system solution business. The Company operates through three business segments. The Watch segment is engaged in the manufacture, wholesale and retail of watches and watch movements, as well as watch repair and after-sales service. The Electronic Device segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of crystal oscillators, batteries and materials, printers, and precision parts. The System Solution segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of products related to wireless communication equipment, information network systems, and data services. The Company also operates the time creation and wako business, including the sale of equipment clocks and sports timing equipment, the development manufacture, sale, repair and after-sales service of clocks, the retail of luxury jewelry, apparel and miscellaneous goods, and real estate leasing business.
More about the company