Sekur Private Data Ltd. has successfully brought down its customer acquisition cost (CAC) to improve its profit margins. It is also preparing to launch a new privacy solution for small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs), large enterprises and government agencies. The company has been focused on improving its customer metrics since January.

It has brought its CAC down to between $30 and $35, which translates into a 91% reduction from January and a 55% decrease from April. This result is well below its original target of a $75 CAC by the end of 2023 and a $60 CAC by the end of 2024. Sekur has also improved its Life Time Value (LTV) metric per customer, which is a measurement of the average revenue from a customer during their relationship with the company.

Simultaneously increasing the LVT alongside the reduction in CAC means that Sekur has been able to improve its profit margin for every customer. The company is now positioning itself to focus on its targeted digital marketing and website optimization in the second half of 2023. The company is also set to release a new privacy solution, Sekur Enterprise Solutions, by July 2023.

Sekur Enterprise Solutions will provide a comprehensive set of features that are tailored to the privacy and data security needs of SMBs, large enterprises and government organizations. These features include user management, message and email archiving capabilities and an admin dashboard for streamlined employee onboarding and management. The new solution will also provide a C-Suite email feature that allows management to host their emails on Sekur's private and secure Swiss-hosted network while maintaining the remaining employees on their existing email hosting provider.

The split-level system protects C-level communications while allowing companies to avoid the expense of changing the whole organization's email host. Sekur Enterprise could be a timely solution for companies, as data hacks are on the rise and business email compromises (BECs) are an increasingly common way that businesses get hacked and stolen from. There are over 33 million small businesses in the United States, and Sekur plans to target a percentage of these as part of its launch of Sekur Enterprise Solutions.