Sensor Alarm calls Extraordinary General Meeting to decide on reverse acquisition of Norrlands Online
The meeting is proposed to approve the proposed reverse acquisition of Norrlands Online. It is proposed that the Articles of Association be amended to change the company's business focus and name to Norrlands Online. The number of shares is proposed to be a minimum of 800 million and a maximum of 3.2 billion shares.
The Meeting is proposed to approve a directed share issue of 964.14 million shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.06 per share, corresponding to SEK 57.8 million subscribed by the sellers of Norrlands Online.
The Board of Directors seeks authorization from the AGM to decide on a rights issue of units, consisting of shares and warrants.
The board of directors also seeks authorization from the general meeting to resolve on further issues of shares, convertibles and warrants.
Furthermore, the existing business is proposed to be sold to a newly formed company over which a number of board members of the company may have a controlling influence. The business is intended to be packaged in a newly formed subsidiary before the sale. The purchase price will be based on an external market valuation and is estimated to amount to SEK 1.0 million.
The current board of directors will resign and a new board of directors consisting of four persons will be elected by the general meeting. Proposals for new board members will be presented at the latest at the meeting.
The AGM is proposed to approve an incentive program for the CEO, management and key employees as well as for the Board of Directors.
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