Shareholders at the 22nd Annual General Meeting of SFS Group AG held on 7 May 2015 in Widnau approved all proposals put forward by the Board of Directors with a large majority.

Board Chairman Heinrich Spoerry welcomed 907 shareholders representing 29'121'699 shares or 77.7% of total share capital at the Aegeten sports and recreation center in Widnau SG (Switzerland). In his prepared remarks, Heinrich Spoerry drew attention to the successful course of business in 2014 and the resulting solid sales and profit growth. Turning to the outlook for the 2015 financial year, he outlined the consequences of the Swiss franc's appreciation and the countermeasures that have been taken. He also reaffirmed the previous organic sales growth guidance of 5-7% in local currency for 2015. Sales in Swiss francs are expected to be 2-4% lower y-o-y and the EBITA margin is expected to decline to 12.9-13.5%.

Jens Breu, the current COO and designated CEO, talked about important projects and product innovations that entailed high research and development expenditures as well as plant and equipment investment in 2014. The projects and products he mentioned will serve as key growth drivers in the years ahead.

CFO Rolf Frei covered financial aspects of the 2014 financial year in his presentation and detailed the results of the company's three segments.

During the statutory part of the meeting, shareholders approved the annual report, the annual financial statements, and the consolidated financial statements and accepted the auditor's report. Compensation paid to the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board was likewise approved and the Compensation Report accepted. Members of both boards were released from liability for their activities during the past year. Shareholders also approved the proposed dividend payout of CHF 1.50 per registered share.

All members of the Board of Directors were re-elected to their previous positions, as was Heinrich Spoerry as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The law firm bürki bolt németh in Heerbrugg was re-elected as independent proxy and PricewaterhouseCoopers AG in St. Gallen was re-elected as auditor.

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