The board of directors of Shougang Century Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Yang Junlin an existing executive director of the Company, has been appointed to act concurrently as a deputy managing director of the Company with effect from July 8, 2022. Mr. Yang Junlin, aged 42, was appointed as an executive director of the Company on July 1, 2022. Mr. Yang graduated from Nankai University with a Bachelor degree in Management.

Mr. Yang had been working in various companies under Shougang Group Co. Ltd. ("Shougang Group") since 2003 and held various senior positions. Mr. Yang had been the general manager of the finance department of Shougang Holding (Hong Kong) Limited ("Shougang HK") prior to his appointment as an executive director of the Company.

Mr. Yang is currently a director of various companies (including South China International Leasing Co. Ltd. ("South China Leasing")) under Shougang Group. South China Leasing is an indirect 75% owned subsidiary of Capital Industrial Financial Services Group Limited, which is in turn held as to approximately 50.84% by Shougang HK.

South China Leasing is also held as to 25% by the indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of Shougang HK. Shougang Group and Shougang HK are the substantial shareholders of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) ("SFO") while Shougang Group is the ultimate holding company of Shougang HK. In all, Mr. Yang has been engaged in financial management for years and has extensive experience and expertise in financing and capital market.