FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Siemens Energy shares fell 5.46 percent to 13.24 euros at the end of the Dax on Tuesday. One trader spoke of continued profit-taking by short-term investors. The price recovery since the October low had already run out of steam almost two weeks ago.

With the current slide below the 21-day line - a short-term trend indicator that is still pointing upwards - the price gap above EUR 12.73 that opened up in January and the support zone slightly above EUR 12 are now coming into focus.

In January, the energy technology group impressed investors with better-than-expected quarterly figures. The share price recovery that began at the end of October then gathered further momentum.

Despite the current price losses, the shares are still more than twice as expensive as at the October low. At that time, the company had made a name for itself when it had to secure guarantees worth billions from the state in order to be able to process orders. This resulted in a record low share price./mis/stk