The board of directors ("Board") of Singamas Container Holdings Limited (the "Company") announced that Mr. Chan Kwok Leung ("Mr. Chan"), currently an Executive Director, will be re-designated as a Non-executive Director of the Company and will cease to act as a member of the Management Committee of the Company and the Chief Operating Officer of the Company with effect from 1 January 2022. Mr. Chan, aged 64, has been an Executive Director and a member of the Management Committee of the Company since 1 March 2012. Mr. Chan is a director of various subsidiaries of the Company. He had more than 41 years of combined experience in marketing, container depot management, container inspection and repair, and container leasing. As at the date hereof, Mr. Chan does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Upon the re-designation abovementioned, Mr. Chan will not enter into a new service agreement with the Company. The Board is also pleased to announce that Ms. Siu Wai Yee, Winnie ("Ms. Siu") will be appointed as Chief Operating Officer of the Company with effect from 1 January 2022. She joined the Group on 1 October 2021 as the Chief Operating Officer Designate.