The board of directors of SITC International Holdings Company Limited announced the following changes to the composition of the disclosure committee of the Company and the sustainable development committee of the Company with effect from 18 December 2024: Mr. Xue Mingyuan, executive Director and chief executive officer of the Company, ceased to be the chairman of the Disclosure Committee and the chairman of the Sustainable Development Committee; Mr. Liu Kecheng, executive Director, ceased to be a member of the Disclosure Committee and a member of the Sustainable Development Committee; Mr. Lai Zhiyong, executive Director, ceased to be a member of the Disclosure Committee and a member of the Sustainable Development Committee; Ms. Yang Xin, non-executive Director and vice chairman of the Board, has been appointed as the chairman of the Sustainable Development Committee; Mr. Tse Siu Ngan, chief independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as a member of the Disclosure Committee and a member of the Sustainable Development Committee; Dr. Liu Ka Ying, Rebecca, independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as a member of the Disclosure Committee and a member of the Sustainable Development Committee; and Dr. Hu Mantian (Mandy), independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as the chairman of the Disclosure Committee and a member of the Sustainable Development Committee.