Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale ROMGAZ S.A. concluded transaction of the type listed in art. 234 paragraph 1, letter i) from F.S.A. Regulation no 5/2018 regarding Issuers of Financial Instruments and Market Operations. According to the provisions of art. 234 paragraph 1, letter i) from F.S.A. Regulation no 5/2018, S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A. reports the concluding of a legal document whose value exceeds 10% of the 2020 net turnover, as follows: Party to the Agreement: Termoficare Oradea S.A. Agreement No and date: Contract no VG71/October 29, 2021. Scope of Agreement: Gas/sales purchase on the competitive market (period November 1, 2021- October 1, 2022). Estimated contract Value including VAT: RON 408,023,481.25. Terms and Payment Methods: Advance payment, settlement invoice due within 30 days after issue. Penalties: (%/day).