Share class: Société Générale

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1800,316,777667,693,737 ( 83.43 %) 1,785,811 ( 0.2231 %) 83.43 %

Major shareholders: Société Générale

SG 29 Haussmann SASU
9.476 %
75,840,321 9.476 % 2 464 M €
Caisse Des Dépôts & Consignations (Investment Management)
2.473 %
19,792,309 2.473 % 643 M €
Société Générale SA
1.7 %
13,606,019 1.7 % 442 M €
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.6398 %
5,120,594 0.6398 % 166 M €
Fineco Asset Management DAC
0.4631 %
3,706,474 0.4631 % 120 M €
OFI Invest Asset Management SA
0.4166 %
3,334,209 0.4166 % 108 M €
Moneta Asset Management SAS
0.4083 %
3,267,415 0.4083 % 106 M €
Fédéral Finance Gestion SA
0.3826 %
3,062,022 0.3826 % 99 M €
Société Générale Gestion SA
0.3525 %
2,820,986 0.3525 % 92 M €
Crédit Mutuel Asset Management SA
0.2838 %
2,271,096 0.2838 % 74 M €
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Atlant Fonder AB
50 - - €
Atlant Fonder AB
75 - - €
Atlant Fonder AB
100 - - €
Yousif Capital Management LLC
0.003019 %
120,822 0.003019 % 784 981 €
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.002285 %
91,455 0.002285 % 594 183 €
SVB Wealth LLC
0.000999 %
39,957 0.000999 % 259 601 €
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000431 %
17,247 0.000431 % 112 054 €
PNC Investments LLC
0.000009 %
364 0.000009 % 2 365 €
Heritage Wealth Advisors LLC
0.000002 %
92 0.000002 % 598 €
Atlant Fonder AB
75 - - €

Breakdown by shareholder type

Société Générale SA1.7%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

France 16.97%
Ireland 0.6%
United Kingdom 0.38%
Italy 0.3%
Spain 0.27%
Sweden 0.17%
Switzerland 0.11%
Norway 0.1%
Luxembourg 0.09%
Germany 0.07%
Canada 0.07%
Netherlands 0.05%
Denmark 0.05%
Finland 0.03%
Austria 0.02%
South Africa 0.02%
Japan 0.02%
United States 0.02%
Belgium 0.01%
Hong Kong 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Société Générale
Société Générale is one of the largest French banking groups. Net interest income breaks down by activity as follows: - financing and investment banking (37.2%): specialized financing (for acquisitions, projects, etc.), activity on the stock, interest rate, currency exchange, and raw material markets, brokerage operations, merger-acquisition consulting, commercial banking activities, etc.; - retail banking in France (31.8%; SG). The group also develops asset management and private banking activities (EUR 154 billion in assets under management in 2024), and provides insurance services, online banking and online brokerage services (Boursorama Banque) as well as an economic and financial information Website (; - provision of specialized financial and insurance services (15.8%): consumer loan, leasing, management of car fleets, professional equipment financing and insurance; - international retail banking (15.2%). At the end of 2024, Société Générale managed EUR 525 billion in current deposits and EUR 454.6 billion in current credits. Net interest income is distributed geographically as follows: France (41.5%), Europe (36%), Americas (9.4%), Africa (7.5%) and Asia and Oceania (5.6%).
More about the company