Cannabis Club Ltd. announced that it has completed Phase 2 of the Cannabis Complex buildout. The second building adds an additional 8 rooms bringing the total sq ft of craft growing space to 36,300 sq ft. The goal of the Cannabis Craft Complex is to implement the legendary `BC bud 'growing techniques at scale.

Utilizing decades of passed down knowledge, learning experiences, and 100% climate controlled small batch rooms (500-1200 sq ft) allows the growers to have absolute control over the entire growing period. Product quality has always been at the forefront of SpeakEasy's values and this proven small batch, craft approach ensures each plant receives the care it requires to maximize unique strain attributes, high THC percentage and yield. The Cannabis Complex is an engineering success from the SpeakEasy team.

Not only was it designed with the focus on product quality and yield, but also to maximize the growable space within the structure. This operation gives growers the tools they need to deliver craft cannabis at its higher potential, while offering the company the opportunity to scale through replication of proven models and long-term advantages to bring SpeakEasy's IP into new locations around the world. SpeakEasy's Cannabis Complex Phase 1 Infrastructure and Capacity: 6 indoor craft grow rooms that are 100% climate controlled;- 10,000 sq ft of indoor craft grow facility;- 168 grow lights, 14 AC units;- Monthly output of 100 KG; SpeakEasy's Cannabis Complex Phase 2 Infrastructure and Capacity:- 13,300 sq ft approved by Health Canada;- 8 indoor craft grow rooms that are 100% climate controlled;- consisting of 8 grow rooms outfitted with 405 grow lights, electrical, 36 HVAC units;- Anticipated monthly output of 350 KG.