Splash Beverage Group, Inc. announced that through its existing agreement with Suncoast Beverage Sales in Southwest Florida, it will distribute SALT tequila and TapouT performance drinks as well. Suncoast Beverage Sales is the authorized distributor of Anheuser-Busch products to wholesalers, restaurants, sports lounges, drug stores, the hospitality industry and other commercially licensed institutions in Southwest Florida. Suncoast Beverage Sales distributes a selection of specialty beers, flavored malt beverages, and non-beer brands.

Salt Tequila is naturally flavored 100% blanco agave tequila with a clean and sweet taste. Grown, distilled, and bottled in the region of Jalisco Mexico, each pristine bottle of Salt is the result of hard work, determination and countless blends. Salt Tequila offers a variety of naturally flavored tequilas to enhance the pleasure.

TapouT is an international lifestyle brand include a complete line of high-performance sports drinks. TapouT Performance and TapouT Hybrid both feature a 3-in-1 advanced performance formula that delivers hydration and cellular recovery benefits. TapouT performance drinks restore what the body loses through physical exertion with 12 key vitamins, 68 minerals and all 5 electrolytes.