SunHydrogen, Inc. provided an in-depth look at the objectives of its new partnership with MSC Co. LTD?of Korea. In the first stage of the partnership, MSC will begin reproducing SunHydrogen?s electrolyte chemistry in an industrial setting to validate their capability for mass manufacturing. The manufactured electrolytes will then be sent to SunHydrogen?s lab in Iowa to validate MSC?s efficacy in electroplating the PAH components at the same quality achieved at lab scale. PAH, or photoelectrosynthetically active heterostructures, are the foundation of SunHydrogen?s nanoparticle technology, in which billions of PAH nanoparticles split apart water at the molecular level. The second stage of the partnership will involve the electrodeposition of semiconductors on SunHydrogen?s proprietary substrate in an industrialized setup, where the results will be evaluated by SunHydrogen?s scientists to ensure that the PAH components are of the highest quality in this mass-scale electrodeposition setting.