Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Synthomer plc

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Synthomer plc

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Synthomer plc

OMNOVA Solutions, Inc.

Chemicals: Major Diversified

Synthomer Trading Ltd.

Wholesale Distributors

Synthomer Jersey Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Temple Fields 530 Ltd.


Dimex Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

S.A. (300) Ltd.

Industrial Specialties

Temple Fields 515 Ltd.

Chemicals: Specialty

Synthomer Holdings Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Temple Fields 522 Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Yule Catto Western Europe Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Temple Fields 514 Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Financial Conglomerates6
Chemicals: Specialty5
Chemicals: Major Diversified4
Industrial Machinery3
Wholesale Distributors3
Miscellaneous Commercial Services2
Industrial Specialties2
Home Furnishings2
Home Improvement Chains2
Engineering & Construction1

Countries of related companies

United Kingdom26
United States5
Saudi Arabia1
South Africa1
Logo Synthomer plc
Synthomer plc is a supplier of specialty polymers and ingredients for coatings, construction, adhesives, and healthcare end markets. The Company’s segments include Coatings & Construction Solutions (CCS), Adhesive Solutions (AS), and Health & Protection and Performance Materials (HPPM). Its CCS segment offers a range of coatings and construction products. It works across architectural and masonry coatings, mortar modification, waterproofing and flooring, fiber bonding, and energy solutions. Its adhesive solutions bond, modify and components for products including tapes and labels, packaging, hygiene, tires and plastic modification, helping improve permeability, strength, elasticity, damping, dispersion and grip. Its HPPM segment the Company offers water-based polymers for medical gloves, and a European manufacturer of high-performance binders, foams and other products serving customers in a range of end markets. It operates 30 manufacturing sites across Europe, North America and Asia.
More about the company