TC Traders Club S.A. (BOVESPA:TRAD3) acquired RIWeb S.A. from Grupo Comunique-se S.A. for BRL 6.5 million on September 16, 2021. The consideration is to paid by TC Traders Club to the current shareholders of RlWeb, as follows BRL 5 million on the Closing Date of the Transaction and up to BRL 1.5 million, within 12 months after the Closing Date of the Transaction, upon fulfillment of certain conditions provided for in the Agreement. The agreed amounts are subject to usual adjustments in this type of transaction. For the year ended on April 30, 2021, RIWeb reported gross sales of BRL 4 million. The transaction has been approved by Board of TC Traders Club. TC Traders Club S.A. (BOVESPA:TRAD3) completed the acquisition of RIWeb S.A. from Grupo Comunique-se S.A. on September 16, 2021.