Vuzix® Corporation ('Vuzix' or, the 'Company') announced that the Company and its partner TeamViewer, are enabling Ricoh, to expand its use of Vuzix smart glasses. Vuzix will conduct a panel discussion with Ricoh and TeamViewer on May 24, 2022 at an event in Japan to be held at The Capitol Hotel Tokyu. When supporting conventional equipment such as copiers, printers, and multifunction printers, Ricoh needed to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction was maintained.

Ricoh started employing Vuzix M400™ smart glasses along with TeamViewer software in late 2020 and has scaled its usage in 2021 and 2022. The combined solution made it possible to view the equipment at the service location when needed and issue instructions via augmented reality from the office. By placing a marker on the screen, the location in question could be tracked even if the camera direction was changed.

This allowed users to share more precise instructions. The engineers on site, together with the many supporting engineers behind the scenes, could provide precise responses in real time. As a result, Ricoh has reported that its servicing times have been cut by two hours per case.

More recently, Ricoh Japan introduced the use of Vuzix smart glasses in their internship program with the expectation that more students would participate in it because they were interested in using smart glasses. Furthermore, after participating in the internship, the number of students who wanted to join the company increased. Ricoh stated that those who were interested in smart glasses were more likely to be suitable for employment with the firm.

As a result, Ricoh now considers them to also be an effective recruiting tool.