TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. Announces Management Changes, Effective July 1, 2021
May 28, 2021 at 02:00 am EDT
On May 28, 2021, the TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. Board of Directors has resolved to make changes in Representative Directors and other Directors. This resolution has been made, in accordance with the Appointment Standards for CEO, after the deliberation and recommendation by the Nomination and Compensation Committee composed of Independent Outside Directors and Independent Audit & Supervisory Board members. The company announced that Yasuji Nishio position changed from President, Representative Director and CEO to Director and Chairman and Takeshi Yagi position changed from Director (in charge of HR and General Affairs, and Vice in charge of CSR promotion) and Managing Executive Officer to President, Representative Director and CEO, effective date July 1, 2021.
TechnoPro Holdings Inc is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in dispatch and contract engineers in the fields of machinery, electrical/electronics, embedded control, software development and maintenance, biochemistry and construction management. It operates through four business segments. Research and Development (R&D) Outsourcing segment provides engineer dispatch and contract work in the technical fields of machinery, electric & electronics, embedded control, information technology networks, business applications, system maintenance and operation. Construction Management Outsourcing segment dispatches engineers for construction management in the areas of construction, civil engineering. It also provides contract work for creating architectural drawings. Overseas segment provides technology outsourcing and recruitment services in China, Singapore, India and the United Kingdom. Domestic and Other segment provides recruitment services and technical education and training services.