Summary: Teknosa Iç ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi

  • The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility.
  • Overall, and from a short-term perspective, the company presents an interesting fundamental situation.

Highlights: Teknosa Iç ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi

  • According to sales estimates from analysts polled by Standard & Poor's, the company is among the best with regard to growth.
  • The company's profit outlook over the next few years is a strong asset.
  • The equity is one of the most attractive in the market with regard to earnings multiple-based valuation.
  • The company is one of the most undervalued, with an "enterprise value to sales" ratio at 0.04 for the 2024 fiscal year.
  • Given the positive cash flows generated by its business, the company's valuation level is an asset.
  • Over the last twelve months, the sales forecast has been frequently revised upwards.
  • Analysts have consistently raised their revenue expectations for the company, which provides good prospects for the current and next years in terms of revenue growth.
  • Analysts have a positive opinion on this stock. Average consensus recommends overweighting or purchasing the stock.
  • The average target price set by analysts covering the stock is above current prices and offers a tremendous appreciation potential.

Weaknesses: Teknosa Iç ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi

  • As a percentage of sales and without taking into account depreciation and amortization, the company has relatively low margins.
  • The company has insufficient levels of profitability.

Ratings Chart: Teknosa Iç ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi

Source: Surperformance

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Composite Fundamentals Composite Valuation Composite Momentum Capi. ($)
- 1.77B
Average 1.12B
Weighted average by Cap.
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Investor Rating
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ESG Refinitiv


Sales growth
Earnings Growth
EBITDA / Sales


P/E ratio
EV / Sales
Price to Book
Price to Free Cash Flow


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
7 days Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


Analyst Opinion
Potential Price Target
4m Target Price Revision
4m Revision of opinion
12m Revision of opinion

Business Predictability

Analyst Coverage
Divergence of Estimates
Divergence of analysts' opinions
Divergence of Target Price
Earnings quality

Technical analysis

ST Timing
MT Timing
LT Timing
Bollinger Spread
Unusual volumes
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  4. Ratings Teknosa Iç ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
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