Jubilant FoodWorks Limited ('Company') has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ('MoU') with Coca-Cola India Private Limited, containing the principal terms and conditions for purchase of a portfolio of sparkling beverage products and certain other products from The Coca-Cola Company authorized bottlers, and for conducting marketing activities (which will be undertaken in the usual/ordinary course) for the said products as defined in the MoU. Significant terms of MoU are as under: The Company will purchase a portfolio of sparkling beverage products and certain other products from The Coca-Cola Company authorized bottlers, as defined in the MoU. The Company will conduct marketing activities (which will be undertaken in the usual/ordinary course) for the said products as defined in the MoU.

A Master Agreement will be executed between the parties commencing from April 1, 2025 based on the principal terms and conditions mentioned in the MoU. Other terms and conditions similar to size and scale of such arrangements. Rationale and benefit expected that after execution of the Master Agreement, The Coca-Cola Company authorized bottlers will become suppliers of sparkling beverages and other products as set out in the MoU to JFL.

The arrangement will help JFL enhance its consumer offerings.