[Re: Goldman Sachs warns EU risks clean energy exodus, 10 Jan] Goldman Sachs' proposed European inflation reduction act plan may be key to keeping clean energy investment in NTT DATA UK&INTT DATA UK&Ithe EU, but for UK energy generation companies looking to develop their renewable sources, targeted governmental support will be essential.

Government support will enable them to maintain clean energy investment in the UK and reach net zero targets. Electrification is just the beginning. Energy generation companies have commitments to low carbon, to customers, to shareholders, and to regulators. Each of these commitments carries a demand, and if the UK Government aims to make the UK a 'clean energy superpower' as it has previously stated, then it must lay the groundwork for the total transformation of operations. If we would like every streetlight, refrigerator, and computer monitor to be powered by wind, solar, and nuclear energy, then we must invest in the requisite technological groundwork. This involves helping energy generation companies to forecast and optimise production, transforming asset management to maximise the life expectancies of generators, and integrating distributed sources of energy, like household solar panels. Generators of renewable energy can't afford a single ounce of fat. For that a digitalised view of operations will not be a luxury, but a necessity.

Eduardo Fernandez NTT Data

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