ETFs positioned on The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Name Weight AuM 1st Jan change Investor Rating
6.62% 137 M€ +20.62%
3.78% 19 M€ +14.05% -
3.41% 4 M€ -.--% -
3.10% 0 M€ 0.00% -
1.69% 9 M€ +15.45% -
0.99% 285 M€ +21.71% -
0.98% 204 M€ +10.54%
0.80% 1 M€ 0.00% -
0.66% 8 M€ +5.48% -
0.48% 273 M€ -.--%
0.48% 1,174 M€ +23.54%
0.48% 655 M€ -.--% -
0.46% 3 M€ +15.16% -
0.46% 13 M€ -.--% -
0.46% 4 M€ -.--% -
0.45% 11 M€ +18.33%
0.43% 1,676 M€ +18.08% -
0.41% 25 M€ +28.87% -
0.41% 1 M€ +0.04%
0.39% 414 M€ +25.52% -
0.39% 1,006 M€ -.--% -
0.38% 1,848 M€ -.--% -
0.38% 559 M€ -.--%
0.37% 129 M€ +3.68% -
0.37% 10 M€ +18.61% -
0.37% 702 M€ +21.83%
0.36% 151 M€ +13.55% -
0.36% 32,193 M€ +14.52% -
0.35% 29 M€ -.--% -
0.35% 322 M€ -.--%
Logo The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. specializes in investment services. Revenues break down by activity as follows: - investment services (47%): involved in the stock, interest, exchange, raw material, and other; - asset and wealth management (22.7%). The group is also makes investments in fast growing technology companies; - investment banking (18.5%): consulting for merger-acquisitions, stock operations, etc.; - others (11.8%). Revenues are distributed geographically as follows: Americas (60.5%), Europe/Middle East/Africa (27.2%) and Asia (12.3%).
More about the company
Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
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  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. GS Stock
  4. ETFs The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.