Change Request Form 變更申請表

Reply Form 回條 To: The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 3)

c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East

Wanchai, Hong Kong

致: 香港中華煤氣有限公司(「本公司」)

(股份代號: 3) 經香港中央證券登記有限公司

香港灣仔皇后大道東 183

合和中心 17M

I/We would like to receive all future corporate communications* of the Company ("Corporate Communications") in the manner as indicated

below:本人/吾等欲以下列方式收取 貴公司之所有日後公司通訊*(「公司通訊」):

(Please mark (X) in ONLY ONE of the following boxes) (請從下列選擇中,僅在其中一個空格內劃上「X」號)

to read the website version of Corporate Communications published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed

copies; and receive a notification letter of the publication of Corporate Communications on the Company's website; OR

瀏覽在 本 公司網站發 出 公 司 通 訊 之 網上版本 ,以代替 收取 印刷本,並收取公司 通訊 已在 本公司 網 站 刊發 的


to receive the printed English version of Corporate Communications ONLY; OR


to receive the printed Chinese version of Corporate Communications ONLY; OR


to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of Corporate Communications.


Name(s) of shareholder(s)#


Registered address of shareholder(s)


(Please use ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS 請用英文正楷填寫)



Contact telephone number


# You are required to fill in the details if you download this reply form from the Company's website.

假如 閣下從本公司網站下載本回條,請必須填上有關資料。



No t es 附註:

1. Pl ease compl et e all your d etail s cl ear l y.

請 閣下清楚填妥所有資料。

2. I f th e C ompan y d oes n ot r ecei ve th is r epl y for m or recei ve a r esp on se in dica tin g th e objecti on fr om you on or befor e 23 Ma y 20 15, you ar e d eem ed t o h a ve con sen t ed t o r ecei ve th e websit e ver si on of th e C or p or at e C ommun i cati on s on l y. All futur e C or p or ate C o mmun icati on s will be sen t out in th e mann er sp eci fi ed in th e C ompan y's let t er dat ed 23 A pr il 2 015 an d we will sen d you a n oti fi cation l ett er of th e pu bli cati on of th e C or p or ate C ommun i cati on s on th e C ompan y's websit e.

倘若本公司於 2015523 日或之前仍未收到 閣下的回條或表示反對的回覆, 閣下將被視為已同意以網上版本收取公司通訊,而本公司將按 2015423 日之本公司函件內所述之方

式只向 閣下寄發有關公司通訊已在網 站刊發的通知函。

3. B y sel ecti on t o r ea d th e websit e ver si on of th e C or p or ate C omm un icati on s p u bli sh ed on th e C om pan y's websit e in pla ce of r ecei vin g pr in ted copi es, you h a ve ex pr essl y con sen ted t o wai ve th e r igh t t o r ecei ve th e C or p or at e C ommun icati on s in pr in ted for m.

在選擇瀏覽在本公司網站發出的公司通訊網上版本以代替收取印刷本後, 閣下已明示同意放棄收取公司通訊印刷本的權利。

4. I f your sh ar es ar e h eld in join t n ames, th e sh ar eh ol der wh ose n ame stan ds fir st on th e r egi st er of m em ber s of th e C ompan y in r esp ect of th e join t h oldin g sh ou ld sign on th is r epl y for m in or d er t o be vali d.


5. Th e a bove in str u cti on will ap pl y t o all futur e C or p or at e C omm un icati on s t o be sen t to sh ar eh old er s of th e C om pan y un til you n ot i fy oth er wi se by r ea son a bl e noti ce in wr itin g (n ot l ess th an 7 da ys) t o th e C ompan y's sh ar e r egi str ar, C ompu t er sh ar e Hon g K on g In vest or Ser vi ces Limit ed (th e "Sh ar e Regi str ar ") , at 1 7M Fl oor, Hop ewel l C en tr e, 18 3 Qu een 's Road Ea st, Wan c h ai, Hon g K on g or by email at

上述指示適用於日後向本公司股東發出的所有公司通訊,直至 閣下發出合理時間 (不少於 7)的書面通知 予本公司股份登記處「香港中央證券登記有限公司」 (「股份登記處」),地址為

香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 17M 樓或以電郵發送至 另作選擇為止。
6. Sh ar eh old er s ar e en titl ed t o ch a n ge th e ch oi ce of m ean s of r ecei pt an d lan guag e of C or p or ate C ommun i cation s at an y tim e by r ea son a bl e n oti ce in wr itin g (n ot less th an 7 da ys) t o th e Sh ar e Registr ar (at th e a bove a ddr ess) or by email at
股東有權隨時發出合理時間 (不少於 7 )的書面通知 予股份登記處 (上述地址)或以電郵發送至,要求更改有關公司通訊的語言版本及收取方式。
7. For th e a voi dan ce of d ou bt, we d o n ot a ccept an y sp ecial in str u cti on s wr itt en on th is r epl y for m.


* Co rpo rate C om mu nicati on s include b ut not li mited to (a ) the di recto rs' rep ort and a nnu al accou nts t ogethe r wit h a copy of the a udito rs' re po rt an d, whe re ap pl icab le, a su mm ary fi nanci al repo rt ; (b ) the i nterim re po rt an d, whe re a pplic able, a su mm ary i nte rim re po rt ; (c ) a notice of meetin g ; (d ) a l isti ng d ocu ment; (e ) a ci rcul ar; an d (f ) a p roxy f orm.

公司通訊包括但不限於: (a )董事會報告、年度賬目連同核數師報告及 (如適用 )財務摘要報告; (b )中期報告及(如適用)中期摘要報告; (c )會議通告; (d)上市文件;(e )通函;及 (f )委派代表書。

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Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

簡便回郵號碼 Freepost No. 37

香港 Hong Kong

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