Meeting notes Towngas' 2014 Annual Results Press Release

Profit after taxation attributable to shareholders of the Group for the year amounted to

HK$7,109 million, an increase of HK$255 million compared to 2013.

Exclusive of the Group's share of a revaluation surplus from investment properties and unrealised exchange differences on the renminbi, the Group's profit after taxation for the year increased by approximately HK$640 million to approximately HK$7 billion, an increase of 10 per cent compared to 2013 mainly attributable to a rise in profit from the Group's local businesses and mainland utility businesses.

Earnings per share for the year amounted to HK67.6 cents.

A final dividend of HK23 cents per share (i.e. full year dividend of HK35 cents per share) is proposed.

A bonus issue of one for every ten shares is proposed.

(18 March 2015) For details of the results, please refer to the preliminary announcement of 2014 annual results published on the Company's website at and on the HKExnews' website at
For press enquiries, please contact: Ms. Wong Sau Ying
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
Tel: 2963 3488 Fax: 2516 7368

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煤氣公司 201 4 年全年 業績

新 聞 稿


未計集團所佔之投資物業重估增值及人民幣未變現匯兌差額,集團稅後溢利 約為港幣70億元,較2013年增加約港幣64千萬元,上升10%。溢利增加主要 來自本港業務及中國內地公用事業業務溢利之上升。




(2015318) 業績詳情請瀏覽刊登於本公司網站www.towngas.com及香港交易所 披露易網站www.hkexnews.hk2014年全年業績初步公布。

新聞界查詢: 香港中華煤氣有限公司 黃秀英女士

電話:2963 3488 傳真:2516 7368

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