Thoughtworks released Looking Glass, a guide to the critical technology-driven shifts set to shape business in 2022 and beyond. Based on Thoughtworks’ unique approach to delivering cutting-edge innovation to businesses before new technologies reach mass adoption, this report offers industry leaders recommendations on how to best compete and become disruptors themselves. Metaverse promises endless possibilities for consumers and businesses to work, live, play and learn in this new medium of extended reality (XR) technology. When XR is combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and devices, there are many inventive ways to play to human strengths and produce good outcomes that benefit society. Yet, it’s important to bear in mind that these technologies change the user experience and people represent themselves differently in virtual worlds, which can have moral and ethical implications. The five lenses in today’s Looking Glass report are: Evolving the human-machine experience: In moving with some inevitability toward the metaverse, the physical and digital worlds will further converge in a way that will open new possibilities for businesses. Partnering with AI: Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to gain traction across industries. They are seeing rapid adoption in use cases that range from automating everyday operational processes, to augmenting strategic decision-making. Accelerating towards sustainability: As consumers, governments and investors demand greater environmental accountability from companies, going green has gone from being optional to a business imperative. Expanding impact of hostile tech: ‘Hostile’ technology is commonly associated with criminal activity such as ransomware, breaking into a system to steal data or creating computer viruses — but this misses the complete picture. The landscape is evolving in a way that the definition of hostile tech should be broadened to include legal, even widely accepted, acts that ultimately threaten societal well-being. Realizing the potential of platforms: Platform building is core to modern business strategy - yet also an area that’s fraught with ambiguities. They see a new focus on resolving the uncertainties around platforms and connecting platform building to clearly defined business goals. Thoughtworks’ Looking Glass is updated on an annual basis, to keep pace with the constant shifts in technology priorities and applications for businesses.