February 24, 2015 New geosynthetic products by Thrace NG
Adding Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) and extruded Drainage Geonets & Geocomposites to its existing product range, Thrace Group becomes a one-stop shop for all geosynthetic project needs

Thrace NG is happy to announce that it has just broadened the range of geocomposite products that it manufactures by the addition of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) to be used in sealing applications and extruded (bi and tri planar) Drainage Geonets and Geocomposites to be used in drainage applications. A few years ago, Thrace NG added the extruded geogrid line to be used in reinforcing applications and just recently the geogrid/nonwoven geocomposite products. Thrace also managed to tailor its needs not only to the major contractors but to the do-it-yourself users by adding a line of mini rolls for geotextiles and agricultural products. Currently, Thrace NG is able to offer you a one-stop shop for your entire geosynthetic project needs whatever those may be with products that include geotextiles (woven and nonwoven), extruded biaxial geogrids & geogrid/nonwoven composites, drainage geonets & geocomposites and geocomposite clay liners.

Feel free to contact us for any geosynthetic inquiries that you might have. We are here to serve your needs.

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