WISMAR (dpa-AFX) - German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) considers defense spending of two percent of gross domestic product to be definitely insufficient - and, if necessary, three percent or more to be necessary. During a visit to the shipyard of submarine builder Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in Wismar, Pistorius said that it is now a common view among many in Europe that two percent is certainly not enough.
It is clear that more needs to be spent on defense. However, the focus should be less on the percentage figures, because they would be over two percent anyway.
Rather, NATO is concerned with which country provides how many brigades or how many units of land and naval forces. "Aircraft, land forces, cyber technologies – these are all issues that are now being sorted out," said Pistorius. NATO's corresponding demands on member states would then have to be met within a certain period of time in order to achieve full deterrence capability.
"This should be the benchmark for all of us. And if that costs three percent, then it costs three percent or more. The goal is the focus."/hr/DP/stw