WISMAR (dpa-AFX) - The lucrative construction contract for the new research vessel "Polarstern II" has been awarded to the shipyard Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems in Wismar. It has a volume of around 890 million euros. "After the Bundestag's Budget Committee approved the construction of the new research vessel Polarstern II yesterday, the corresponding contract was signed today," said Frank Junge, SPD member of the Bundestag from Wismar, on Thursday. He is a member of the Budget Committee.

The "Polarstern II" will be an ice-breaking research vessel of the latest technical and scientific standard. It is an important signal for global polar and climate research that the successor ship is coming after 40 years of service of the Polarstern.

Up to 200 new jobs are planned for the construction of the new polar research vessel at the former MV shipyard in Wismar. The first components should start work next year. Submarines are also to be built at the shipyard in future, for which the budget committee of the Bundestag released 4.7 billion euros./hr/DP/mis