KIEL/WISMAR (dpa-AFX) - A new German-Norwegian submarine order for the Kiel-based defense company Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) could create numerous new jobs at the subsidiary shipyard in Wismar. "If production were to run at full capacity, we would create around 1,500 new jobs in Wismar," a company spokesperson told the German press agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur this morning. The corresponding capacities would be available in the near future.
Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) is planning to purchase new submarines. According to dpa information, this involves six new boats, two of which are for Norway. The order volume for the four German 212CD class boats amounts to 4.7 billion euros. The Bundestag's budget committee is expected to discuss the purchase on Wednesday.
Value creation in Germany
According to the company, 90 percent of the value creation would remain in Germany if the boats were built. "It is not only the German coastal region that will benefit from this, 22 percent of the value added will flow to Bavaria alone - in total, around a third of the value added will flow to southern Germany," said the spokesperson. The German submarines are not only a necessary project for Germany in terms of security policy. The construction also provides economic impetus throughout Germany.
TKMS took over the shipbuilding company in 2022 in order to expand its production capacities. In 2021, Germany and Norway signed a joint contract with Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems for the procurement of a total of six submarines. The project runs under the name "U212 CD" and has a common design for the submarines of both nations as its declared goal./akl/DP/ngu